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Not if it,s in your month

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Q: Does it feel good to get peed in during sex?
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Related questions

How does it feel for a man to get his pee hole licked?

It feels good for the man but if he peed and then they licked it they would just have sex every day

Should you leave the room during sex if a guy peed in your mouth?


What makes people to feel good during sex?

During sex, our sex organs are stimulated. There are many nerve endings in our sex organs. This causes the pleasurable feeling

What do gents feel when they touch women chest during sex?

so good

I left him during sex how does that make him feel?

If you left him during sex I am sure that makes him feel pretty bad.

What do you do when you want to feel good?

you have good long sex

Why do girls like it for boys to pull there hair during sex?

bacause its kind of rought n feel good//

How long does it take for sex to feel good for a man?

Ejaculation during sex for a man lasts for few minutes,but it can be prolonged if you divert your mind elsewhere or through yoga.

Does sex feel good to a girl?

yea it does alot feel so good to a girl

How can feel most pleasure during sex?

Just do it.

How should you feel during sex?

There are no rules about what you 'should' feel during sex, it can be a completely different experience every time...changing depending on who you're having sex with, your relationship, where you are in your menstrual cycle, the mood at the time, your health, and a million other things. The only things that we can say for sure is that if sex is painful or not pleasurable it is a good idea to stop and address why that is the case.

How do you make a women feel good?

Sex :)