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Tattoos can cause pain anywhere you get one. I have never personally had one but I know people who have had it on they're stomach and it did cause pain.

hey makayla here. i am 14 and have 4 tattoo's 1 on my lower back one on the back of my sholder one on my leg and one on the side of my stomach. to me none of then hurt then again i have 6 brother before me who would pick on me all the time so i got used to the pain. if your good with pain then it will be a brezze. my friend got her's in the same place as i did and she is not good with pain at all she said she was a little uncomfertable but then she said after about 5 min she was fine. so there's my answer :)

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Q: Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the side of the stomach?
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Does getting a tattoo on your stomach hurt?

Well it really just depends on how well you can handle pain. I think that a lower stomach tattoo would not hurt too badly, considering there's not really any hard muscle or bones there.

Will it hurt to get a tattoo on the side?

Yes, hurts to get a tattoo anywhere. Also, you may be immune to it -- depending on your toughness.

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Yes he does, he has the same one his dad has. It's on his lower stomach, near his side but more on his stomach. He got it done at "Son of a Gun" Tattoo Parlor, in Toronto. Hope that helps! (:

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your skin will stretch and so will the tattoo, in some cases once the baby is delivered and you loose wait, the tattoo will look normal again

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is there anything vicodin can't help with? people if your getting a tattoo, its gonna hurt. That is the point, it is supposed to hurt. dont get one if you dont like pain.

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this can be caused by cramp

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My tattoo on my wrist didnt really hurt and I've been told shoulder tattoos don't hurt

If i have to make a permanent tattoo will it hurt?

yes it will hurt

What does a stomach tattoo symbolize?

There are an infinite number of meanings that a stomach tattoo may have. Maybe someone's loved one died of cancer found in the stomach for example.

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Almost all tattoos hurt. It is the skill of the tattoo artist that adds or subtracts from the pain.

What is the side effects of eating fresh onion?

bad breath and some burning in your mouth and depending on how strong your stomach is it might hurt your stomach, and it might not