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No not at all, i had 3 pins in my right thumb and got them taken out..2 days ago. It didnt hurt at all! ( because its IN the bone ) if you scratched a bone would you feel it? yah you feel nothing

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Q: Does it hurt to get pins removed from a broken hand?
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No it does not hurt when a pin is removed from your toe after hammer toe surgery.

Does it hurt to get surgical pins removed?

no it actually tickels. you will feel pressure.

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Grab a magnet. The magnet should pick the pins up and leave the broken glass behind

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The bottom of the pins may have to be ground off to be removed. The pins are tapped upward to be removed. The door can be taken off to make access easier, or the door has to be supported to keep pressure off of the pins and to hold the door while the pins are out,

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the pins and needles thing is that your hand has fallen asleep.the neck im not sure maybe it needs to be stretched. well this is good info my name is Tia.your welcome!:)

Can the pins inserted in broken bone surgery come loose?

The pins coming loose that have been placed to fix broken bones is a very rare occurrence but it can happen. If it happens, the doctor will have to perform surgery again to replace the screws and pins.

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The importance of which way boom pins face on a crane is less important then how they are removed. In 1997, a crane mechanic faced fatal injuries when a crane fell on him, because he removed the crane pins with a hammer.

How do you have pins and needles in your right hand?


Why sewing needle always broken?

Try removing your pins as the fabric feeds through the machine. If your needle hits the pins it may break.

No grip and pins and needles in hand?

i have nogrip in both hands and pins a niddles in thumb and first 3 fingers

Does it hurt to have pins removed from your finger?

I messed up my hand pretty bad with a table saw. I sliced part my index finger and also broke a bone (the bone at the end of my finger) I had a pin in for 4 weeks and had it removed yesterday. The actual removal of the pin didn't hurt too bad and the pin came out easy. On a scale of 1-10, it was about a 3. I still can't bend my finger very much though. Also, the doctor said he removed a pin from a lady and the pin was very difficult to get out. I imagine hers hurt a lot more than mine.

What are the causes of broken mouse?

Normally the roller pins behind the ball wears out.