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It does not make financial sense to purchase medical insurance for your dog. You will rarely need to use the coverage and end up paying more in the long run. To learn more about dog insurance visit

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Q: Does it make financial sense to purchase medical insurance for my dog?
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Why do I need health insurance?

Insurance of any sort, including health insurance, is a means of transferring the financial risk of an adverse occurrence, from the insured to an insurance company. By that definition, health insurance is necessary if one wishes to effect the transfer of financial liability for certain medical, hospital and arguably, prescription expenses from (an) individual/family to an insurer. All of that said, health insurance is not a necessary in the sense that food or water is. One can make a conscious choice to be uninsured and to be individually responsible for one's own medical expenses.

Does it make sense to purchase disability insurance at age 72?

It may be challenging to obtain affordable disability insurance at age 72 due to increased risk factors. It's best to compare quotes, consider any existing coverage or retirement benefits, and assess your financial situation to determine if it's a worthwhile investment. Consulting with a financial advisor can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs.

When should a person consider purchasing medical evacuation insurance?

Many times your normal health insurance will include some evacuation coverage. If you will be doing any dangerous or extreme activities in second or third world countries it would probably make sense to purchase a dedicated medical evacuation policy, especially if adequate medical care is not available in the country.

How much medical payment home insurance coverage is right?

The right amount would be Zero,It doesn't make much sense to pay extra for medical coverage on a home insurance policy when that's already covered under your medical insurance policy.Ever heard of Double-coverge? It's illegal to get paid for the same loss twice anyway.Adding Medical coverage on a home insurance policy is generally what we refer to as "Beefing up" a policy. There is almost a zero chance that it would ever be used due to double coverage limitations, but it can entice some less savvy people to purchase the policy.

What financial coverage is accepted by the hospital for a lung transplant?

Health insurance seems to be the only one that would make sense .. but pre-authorization would be a must.

What does Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protect?

The FDIC is not an insurance company in the usual sense of the term. It is a federal entity the purpose of which is to reimburse bank depositors, to a maximum amount specified by law, in the event of the financial failure of a bank.

What happens if medical expenses exceed auto insurance coverage after an auto accident?

1. Most states have a requirement that a registrant of an auto maintain "personal injury protection" (PIP) coverage (altho the name may be different). This is the essence of so-called no-fault auto insurance. Essentially, it pays a percentage of the insured's own medical bills and lost wages, up to a maximum amount, arising from an auto collision. It pays those expenses irrespective of fault for the collision. 2. Most insurers also offer a Medical Payments coverage. This is often an optional coverage. It pays an additional amount toward medical expenses , and often coordinates with the PIP coverage. Therefore, if the PIP coverage pays 80% of the medical bills, up to the policy limits, the medical payments coverage will pay the remaining 20% up to its policy limits. 3. If medical expenses exceed #1 and #2, one's major medical insurance is triggered. The auto insurance is "primary" in the sense that its benefits have to be exhausted before major medical insurance is called upon to pay. This is because auto insurance is required by state "financial responsibility laws" and for the further reason that it and the major medical insurance contain "coordination of benefits" provisions making the auto insurance primary. 4. If medical expenses still exceed the total available auto insurance and major medical insurance (including, if there is no major medical insurance), the injured party/insured is personally responsible for unpaid amounts. In this situation, the health care provider frequently is willing to work out payment arrangements. Alternatively, the unpaid amounts may be discharged in bankruptcy, but this is a very drastic step and should be avoided if at all possible.

Saving Money Monthly On Medical Insurance?

If you are mostly concerned with bringing down your medical insurance costs, then you might start by eliminating things from your policy that you just don't need. For instance, if you use your medical insurance mostly for doctor's visits and for large contingencies, then it doesn't make much sense to pay a lot for the right to cheaper prescription costs. You should do an analysis of your medical insurance plan and see where you might be able to cut some of the fat. Chances are there are three or four things in there that you are paying for that you just don't need or use.

Does AAA offer more services than insurance?

AAA also offers financial advice, according to their company site. They also offer a vary wide variety of insurance types, so it makes sense to go to them and get a package deal.

What would it mean if a car was 'totalled'?

If a car is "totalled" then it means that the cost of repairing the vehicle makes no financial sense to spend money on it so the insurance company give cash for the vehicle.

Does human body insurance exist?

If you mean like home or auto insurance, then yes in a sense. There are several types of insurance that can be taken out for a person. These are health, liability, medical, long and short term disability, and life (death) insurance. Each pays in different ways according to the policy or contract agreed upon.

What is a medical savings account?

are not health insurance plans in the strict sense, but offer a partial alternative to expensive individual private insurance plans.are similar to Individual Retirement Accounts.must be combined with a qualified high-deductible private health plan