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That all depends on your personal beliefs.

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Q: Does it matter if you get baptized by a peer rather than a priest or clergy?
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If a child's parents have been baptized but the child has not is the child still Catholic?

No, the child needs to be baptized. Catholicism is not passed by generation, rather by the Sacrament of Baptism.

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I think no, but it is rather an opinion question.


Because you were baptized in the Catholic Church, you have the fullness of Christianity. I don't understand the question, because you are Catholic, you are a Christian. You need to talk to the local priest and start RCIA classes to learn about the great and wonderful gift you have been given as a Christian. You are in my prayers, I am so happy for you.

What happens to a saved person if they are not baptized before they die?

In many Christian denominations, baptism is considered important for salvation, but not necessary for all. Some believe in the concept of "baptism by desire," where a person's intention to receive baptism can be sufficient for salvation even if they die before being baptized. Ultimately, the fate of a person who is saved but not baptized before death is a matter of theological interpretation and varies among different Christian traditions.

What is paraliturgy?

A paraliturgy is a gathering of the faithful, in the absence of a priest or deacon, to pray, read scripture and, sometimes, to distribute communion. It is frequently conducted by Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and is used in parishes who do not have a priest or sufficient priests to cover the number of masses that would normally be said. With the shortage of clergy, some parishes are having to resort to this so that parishioners can meet their Sunday obligation. My own parish, the largest in this diocese, announced this week that they may have to resort to this soon. A priest would consecrate sufficient hosts in advance to be distributed by Eucharistic Ministers at these paraliturgies. Sometimes a paraliturgy may refer to any liturgical celebration outside the normal approved celebrations that would be conducted by a priest or deacon. Novenas, prayer services, Stations of the Cross, etc. could all fall into this category. Once again, they would be conducted by lay persons rather that clergy.

Proper abbreviation for Father as for a priest?

The proper abbreviation for Father as used for a priest is "Fr."

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It doesn't matter what the student would rather be doing.

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To keep as pets? No. To consume? Yes, as Sikhs are forbidden from eating meat. Clarification: Regarding eating of meat or flesh, generally it is a matter of individual choice in Sikhism, rather than some religious ruling. Except that. Baptized Sikhs do follow vegetarian diet.

How and where did the Shaker sect begin?

mid 1700's England. Beliveing that you can find god through your self rather than a clergy member.

What are chasubles?

These are the colorful garments worn on top of the alb by a priest when he is saying mass. It is shaped rather like a poncho.

Matter can be alive or what?

We do not yet know what "matter" is and what "alive" means, so answering such a questions is rather difficult.

What are the writings of father burgos?

Father Jose Burgos was a Filipino priest and one of the three Filipino martyrs during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines. He is known more for his involvement in the secularization movement and push for Filipino clergy to have more responsibilities in the Catholic Church rather than for his writings. However, he did write articles in support of Filipino independence and social reforms in various newspapers.