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follows these dont use tooth paste

daily use head and shoulders antidandruff shampoo and wash you hair daily, make your hair style without touching your forehead. use salicylic acid face wash , and also wash, where you acne even on body , but only on that place.

use nadibact cream on acne and all over your face, very effective you will see results within 5 to 7 days..

Dont masturbate.

Masturbation cause acne, when you reach adult age you get acne,dandruff, you get all skin problems, hormones imbalance release as acne, dandruff.

Practically test it . Stop Masturbation for 1 to 2 months and check you get acne or not. Definitely YOur acne will be reduced 99% when you stop masturbation. When you stop masturbating your zinc content will be high in your body , 70% semen contains Zinc, zinc is immunity power in your body if u masturbate your zinc content will be lower and your hormones becomes imbalance, you will get lot of acne.

Again , Practically test it . Stop Masturbation for 1 to 2 months and check you get acne or not. Masturbation definitely cause acne and becomes as blemishes, scar it will not cured soon.

Foolish people, doctor tell you to masturbate, No need to masturbate your semen more than the needed in your body will be automatically come out from your urine or wastage(pee). Every time you masturbate you feel tired, you lose your health vitamins, and many thing. monthly three or four times sex is allowed more than that you lose your health. Many yogi advise people to stop masturbation and to save semen for good health.

follow all these thing to see results in 1 to 3 weeks

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Q: Does it matter what toothpaste you use on a pimple?
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Is this true if you put Tobe past on a pimple will it go away?

I'm not sure what Tobe past is, but putting toothpaste on a pimple will reduce the size and redness of the pimple. Gel toothpaste WILL NOT work, it must be the regular toothpaste.

Does toothpaste reduce redness from pimples?

YES! if you keep the toothpaste on ur pimple for bout 30 minutes hten the redness of the pimple around it will reduce, and it will make it stop stinging! :-) UPDATE: you can also use eye drops (that reduce redness in the eyes). It also helps on pimples.

Can you use polish remover for a pimple?

use toothpaste instead to dry it out and then wipe off with damp towel, remover can dry out your skin pretty badly.

What kind of toothpaste gets rid of zits?

Answer:The toothpaste myth:Some magazines may say that by applying a dab of toothpate to the pimple will make it go away, actually it might reduce the size of the pimple but it will also leave a scar which looks even worse.

What is this pump on my nose if its not a pimple?

trust me its an pimple just try to put some toothpaste on and let dry overnight and sees what happens

Does toothpaste get rid of pimples?

Toothpaste dries out pimples, which can cause them to go away faster. However, toothpaste can also "burn" your skin if left on too long or applied to heavily. Use a pimple cream instead.

What do you put on a cystic pimple to make the red go away and the bump heal faster?

you can ice it, put a slice of potato on it for like ten mintues and try some home remedies.

Should you Use whitening toothpaste while wearing braces?

Sure. You can wear any type of toothpaste.

In seventeen magazine someone got rid of a pimple using an ice cube what was it?

It was to put an ice cube on your pimple and keep it on as long as you can then wipe with cold water. But i know a better one , Put on toothpaste on your sopt/pimple and leve it on overnight

How do you apply toothpaste to your face when trying to get rid of pimples?

Toothpaste is only good for pimples on your face. It dries them out. Toothpaste is not good for the skin. If you do use toothpaste for your pimples use white or clear toothpaste. Colored toothpaste will stain your face and make your face the color of the toothpaste for days. Also only put the toothpaste on the pimple. Not on your entire face. It will burn you until your eyes start to water if you do. Also be sure to not leave the toothpaste on for more than 5 minutes or else strong burning will occur.

What is in toothpaste that dries pimples?

toothpaste on pimples works best if you pop the pimple first. trust me i know because i did it. it didnt hurt at all and it mayyyyjorlly reduced the size and redness of the pimple. also i can tell you three ingredients in some toothpastes that WONT work. ACOHOL. this will dry out the skin. and u actually dont want that. even if u hav oily skin MOISTURIZE DAILY. this will help alot. and when poping a pimple use tweezers it hurts alot less, and is easier if u dont hav long nails. another ingredient is WHITENING TOOTHPASTE. dont use this or it might give u a scar,blackhead or not even work. hope that i helped! bye! thecatster

What can you do if you get a red pimple with a blackhead on top and is toothpaste helpful?

A great solution is to just let it be and was your face with cold water before you go to bed, this should get rid of any acne/pimple problems