


For some, acne is a minor nuisance or a relic of the past. However, acne can be a medical issue or a social impairment. Here you can ask and answer questions about the causes of acne, how one might prevent future acne, and most importantly, how to treat it.

2,245 Questions

Is a dude a pimple?

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No, a dude is not a pimple. A dude is a slang term referring to a man or a guy, whereas a pimple is a small inflamed spot on the skin.

How do you work out density of an alloy given its make up?

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To calculate the density of an alloy, you would first determine the individual densities of the metals in the alloy. Then, using the mass fractions of each metal in the alloy, you can calculate the overall density of the alloy using a weighted average formula. This formula involves multiplying the density of each metal by its mass fraction and summing those values to get the final density of the alloy.

Does putting baking soda on your vagina take away the pimples?

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It is not recommended to put baking soda on your vagina to treat pimples. It can disrupt the natural pH balance and cause irritation. It's best to consult a healthcare provider for proper treatment options.

What is the fastest way to remove pimples?

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To quickly remove a pimple, you can apply a spot treatment containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid directly onto the pimple. Avoid picking or popping the pimple, as this can lead to scarring or further inflammation. Keeping the area clean, applying ice to reduce swelling, and using a warm compress can also help speed up the healing process.

Does salicylic acid help with body acne?

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Yes, salicylic acid can help with body acne by exfoliating dead skin cells, unclogging pores, and reducing inflammation. It is commonly used in body washes, sprays, and lotions designed to target acne on the body. It is recommended to use products with lower concentrations for body acne to prevent irritation.

What is the best vitamin for acne scars?

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Vitamin C is considered one of the best vitamins for treating acne scars. It helps in collagen production, which can improve the appearance of scars over time. Additionally, Vitamin E is another beneficial vitamin that can help with wound healing and scar reduction.

How does acne effect the integumentary system?

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Acne affects the integumentary system by clogging hair follicles with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the skin. Inflammation may occur as a response to bacterial growth in these blocked follicles, causing redness and swelling in the affected areas. Over time, acne can impact skin health and appearance.

Does putting Windex on a zit make it go away?

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Windex is not intended for use on the skin and can be irritating and cause damage. It is not a safe or effective way to treat pimples. It's best to use products specifically designed for acne treatment.

Will Phillips milk of magnesia help acne?

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Using milk of magnesia as an acne treatment is not recommended as it is primarily used as a laxative. It may temporarily dry out the skin and reduce oiliness, but it is not formulated for skin care and may cause irritation or other adverse effects. It is best to use products specifically designed for acne treatment.

What is a pimple or black head made out of is it cells?

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Asked by Kayteewarn

Pimples and blackheads are typically caused by a combination of excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria clogging pores. When this build-up becomes trapped in the pore, it can lead to inflammation and the formation of a pimple or blackhead. So, while cells are involved, it's more about the substances that get trapped in the pores rather than the cells themselves.

Numbness on face that comes and goes also on rt arm?

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Numbness that comes and goes in the face and right arm could be a sign of nerve compression or irritation, such as a pinched nerve in the neck or arm. It could also be related to poor blood flow or a neurological condition. It's important to see a doctor for a proper evaluation to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

What is the pathogenesis of acne?

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Acne is primarily caused by a combination of excess oil production, clogged hair follicles, bacteria, and inflammation. When oil and dead skin cells block hair follicles, it can lead to the formation of pimples. Bacteria, particularly Propionibacterium acnes, can exacerbate inflammation and contribute to the development of acne lesions. Various factors such as hormonal changes, genetics, and certain medications can also play a role in acne pathogenesis.

How does bacitracin work?

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Bacitracin works by interfering with bacterial cell wall synthesis, disrupting the formation of the peptidoglycan layer. This leads to weakened cell walls and ultimately cell death in susceptible bacteria. It is commonly used as a topical antibiotic to treat skin infections.

Why does rubbing alcohol burn on your scrotum?

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Rubbing alcohol contains isopropyl alcohol, which evaporates quickly and can lower the temperature of the skin, causing a cold sensation. This sensation may feel like a burning or stinging on sensitive areas like the scrotum. It is important to avoid applying rubbing alcohol to sensitive areas to prevent discomfort or irritation.

What is Propionibacterium shermanii?

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Propionibacterium shermanii is a species of bacteria commonly found in fermented dairy products like Swiss cheese. It plays a role in the production of propionic acid, which contributes to the flavor and texture of the cheese. Additionally, P. shermanii is considered a beneficial bacteria for its probiotic properties.

How can you get rid of a very visible bump on your forehead that you got from hitting a wall and you have tried putting ice on it but it's too late as you have had it for a long time?

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If the bump is still visible after a long time, it's best to consult a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action. They may suggest options like cortisone injections, surgery, or other treatments depending on the cause and severity of the bump.

Will rubbing alcohol burn your face?

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You can use it if your skin is non sensitive but not a lot it may cause burning or irritation. It can be used for making pimples dry out and basically going away. But you do have to MOISTURIZE because alcohol does dry out your skin.

What is the longest ingrown hair recorded?

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There is no specific record of the longest ingrown hair. The length can vary greatly depending on individual factors such as hair growth rate, grooming habits, and skin condition. Treatment usually involves removal by a healthcare professional to prevent infection and provide relief.

What country has the highest rate of acne?

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There isn't a single country with the highest rate of acne as it is a common skin condition worldwide. Factors such as genetics, hormones, diet, and skincare habits can influence acne prevalence in a population.

Why pimples are appear on the face and its solution?

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because your face is oily and dirty, so then the pores on your skin get cloged. and pimples appear on your face. the best thing to do it to wash your face daily, with warm water or a cleanser from a chemist.

What Causes Scars Or Scarring Of The Skin?

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Asked by Jaffsmith

Scars form when the dermis (middle layer of skin) is damaged by injury or inflammation. This triggers the body's natural healing process, resulting in the formation of scar tissue, which is different in texture and color from normal skin. Factors such as the depth and severity of the injury, genetics, age, and skin type can influence the likelihood and appearance of scarring.

How to Get Rid of Acne and Acne Scars Naturally?

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To naturally get rid of acne and acne scars, try these tips:

Cleanse your Skin: Use a gentle cleanser twice a day to remove excess oil, dirt, and bacteria from your skin.

Avoid picking or popping: Resist the temptation to pick at acne lesions, as it can worsen inflammation and increase the risk of scarring.

Use topical treatments: Apply natural remedies like tea tree oil, aloe vera, or witch hazel to help reduce acne inflammation and promote healing.

Exfoliate regularly: Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Use a gentle scrub or a chemical exfoliant containing ingredients like salicylic acid.

Moisturize: Use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to hydrate your skin without clogging pores.

Protect from the sun: UV rays can darken acne scars, so always wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when going outdoors.

Eat a balanced diet: Incorporate a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to support skin health.

Manage stress: High-stress levels can trigger acne flare-ups, so practice stress-reducing techniques like exercise, meditation, or deep breathing.

Remember, it may take time for natural remedies to show results. Consult a dermatologist for severe acne or persistent scars.

Who fell in love with a zit?

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In the novel "The Zit," main character Jessie falls in love with a zit on her face, which she names Frank. Jessie starts to appreciate Frank's unique qualities and sees him as a symbol of self-acceptance and love.

Do sodas cause acne?

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Sodas and other carbinated drinks do not directly cause acne or breakouts. It will definatly improve the look of your skin if you dont drink them frequently and live a healthy life style. Eating well and drinking lots of water is one of the best things you can do to stop acne. How ever some people suffer from large out breaks and frequent red bumps on there skin. If your skin is kept healthy and regularly moisturized this acne is most likely from hereditary genes in your family. i myself do not suffer from this badly, so i am unable to speak on this subject from experience. But the WORST thing you can ever do is pop, squeeze and touch your zits. It can leave red marks that will stay with you for years and even damage your skin permanently causing deep scars and horrible bumpy, and ugly shapes. I have damaged my skin in many areas from this and now have to deal with it until healed. i hope by answering this question i can help others by stoping them from doing the same thing. Dermatologists can tell you all the samethings i have.

Do pimples get bigger after being popped?

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Pimples can indeed get bigger after being popped due to the release of bacteria, oil, and debris into surrounding pores, leading to further inflammation. The popping process may also cause trauma to the skin, prompting the body to produce more inflammatory substances, making the pimple appear more prominent. Additionally, improper extraction techniques can result in the spread of infection and the development of new pimples in the surrounding area. It's generally advisable to avoid popping pimples and to seek professional guidance for safe and effective acne management.