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Yes there is great difference depending on the type of alcohol. A litre of Bud has less adverse affects than a litre of cheap red wine. (For example)

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Q: Does it matter what you drink as far as effects or damage of alcohol or is vodka worse than say wine in the same proportions?
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What efects does alcohol have on the brain?

Aside from the obvious effects that the imbiber feels, there is the matter of brain cell damage. Alcohol kills brain cells, and brain cells are not replaceable. Think about that while you still can.

Does soft drinks reduce the effects of alcohol?

No, they do not. As a matter of fact, they enhance these effects, since most of the soft drinks contain CO2, which helps to deliver alcohol to your blood more quickly.

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The effects of alcohol on elevating mood usually begin within a matter of minutes.

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All solids, liquids, and gasses are considered matter. Rubbing alcohol is usually in a form of matter known as isopropyl alcohol.

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Gravity is NOT matter, it is a force that effects matter.

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A heterogeneous mixture

How long does it take for alcohol to leave your system to pass a drug test?

Alcohol will start leaving your body in an increasing speed until it reaches a peak (in about 30 minutes) in which it will leave your body in a constant speed. So the days it will take deppend on the amount of alcohol you took. It could be in less than 24 hours, and it is generally. Now, the persistance of the effects deppend on the damage the alcohol caused to your body.

How many brain cells are killed in one alcohol drink?

Brain damage occurs over prolonged periods of exposure to the effects of alcohol. One drink will not kill any brain cells, unless it is an iced tea glass full of vodka, in which case it could kill all your cells.

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liquifaction, fires, lahars(mudslides) mass destruction of buildings.

Why are elaments called the building blocks of matter?

Because they combine in discrete definite proportions like building blocks.

What happens when you mix Prozac and alcohol?

It's not so much a matter of reaction as it is efficacy. Alcohol is a depressant and Prozac is an antidepressant. Excessive alcohol use/abuse counteracts the antidepressant effects of Prozac. Basically, it will not work as well, if at all. Also, when there is a reaction, individuals who are on Prozac and use alcohol can experience intoxication more easily and readily. As a result, poor impulsivity and judgment can occur.