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Don't worry at all, if you get your period early it has nothing to do with being pregnant. If you are pregnant you would have a lapse of period all together. The only other possibily that I can think of is that you are not having a period, but having a miscarriage. This will most likely be very much like a period, but often includes heavy bleeding and very painful cramping. Check with your doctor to make sure its not a serious problem!! Good Luck

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Q: Does it mean you are pregnant if your period comes a week early on birth control and been on it for 2 years?
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No birth control method, save abstinence, is 100% effective. If, after a light or missed period, you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive, you're probably pregnant.

If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?

Answering "If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?"

Can you change the time your period comes the following month?

You can change the time your period comes the following month if you are on certain types of birth control. For example, finishing a pack of birth control pills early will make your period come earlier the next month.

If your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

It is easy to become pregnant if you have been on birth control for several years?

If you are using your birth control as directed, there should be a very small chance of getting pregnant. I'm not sure if the length of time you've been on birth control matters, but if you are inconsistent when it comes to taking/using it, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases at least a little. It really depends on your form of birth control.

Will starting birth control pills before your period make your period come later?

Yes, if you start the birth control pill for the first time before your period, your period will come later. It usually comes during the last week of the cycle.

What if you're on birth control and it comes time to start your period and you don't but you did earlier that month?

No worries. Just continue taking the birth control pill as scheduled.

My boyfriend takes a sperm killer but he did not take it in four days i am on my normal period now and he ejaculated in me i am not on birth control may i still be pregnant?

get yourself on birth control, don't EVER rely on a man when it comes to birth contol HOWEVER much you love and trust him, it will be YOU who is left holding the baby with your life ruined.

Is it okay to be on Birth control even though your period comes regularly?

When you take 28-day birth control, you get a fake period from the hormone levels in your body. Scientists have found this is fine for your body, and will not hurt you.

Why are my breasts Leaking while on birth control?

The only medical explanation that comes to mind is... That you confused your birth control pills for the sugar pills and you are now 6 months pregnant.

Could I be pregnant if i started birth control the week before I was supposed to get my period and had sex 3 weeks after I started the pill?

I suppose it's possible. Anytime you start a new birth control you should always use a "backup method" of birth control to be safe. Take a home test and if it comes back negative but you still haven't started your period, then consider making an appointment with your ob/gyn for a blood test.