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Tamiflu can be prescribed for any viral infection, not just the flu and not just H1N1/09 Swine Flu. So without lab testing there is no way to know for sure what type of flu you might have had.

It won't hurt to get a flu shot even if you had that type of flu.

The H1N1/09 vaccine is included in the seasonal flu vaccines for the 2011-2012 flu season. You should get the seasonal flu vaccination to be protected from the three most prominent types of flu that are expected to be in the Northern Hemisphere during this flu season.

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Q: Does it mean you had H1N1 if you were prescribed Tamiflu?
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Can H1N1 patients recover by themselves?

if you have a really strong immune system, but if you can afford medicine like tamiflu.

What medicine you need to take to avoid a H1N1 virus?

Tamiflu, but in Denmark swine flu has shown resistance to this.

Should you be on Tamiflu if your child has H1N1?

No. Tamiflu is only for those with the Swine Flu. Taking it as a preventative could cause mutation of the virus....making it immune to Tamiflu. If you start to have flu-like symptoms, I recommend you go see your physician.

Can Tamiflu lower your body temperature?

Yes. Not only does it lower your temperature, it controls all the symptoms of H1N1.

Tami flu is enough to treat H1N1 with no antibiotic?

H1N1 or Swine flu is a virus. Antibiotics will have NO effect whatsoever on a viral infection. Tamiflu should reduce the time you have symptoms by two days.

Why is Tamiflu a controlled substance?

The careless use of antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Therefore, Tamiflu should only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Can you take Tamiflu and prednisolone together?

The answer is yes. They will not have a negative reaction if the doctor prescribed them together

Does taking Tamiflu before symptoms start help to keep you from getting the H1N1?

Tamiflu is approved for use by the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as a prophylactic (preventive) measure against influenza, and depending on exactly when it is started, it may help prevent symptoms. It is most often prescribed to treat a viral infection soon after symptoms begin to lessen the severity and shorten the duration of the symptoms. The literature with Tamiflu recommends that prophylactic use of the anti-viral medication is begun within the first 40 hours of symptoms.

Can Tamiflu and tylanol taken to gether?

I don't know if you can or should take them at the exact same time. but i do know that if you are taking tamiflu, at some point you can take Tylenol or ibuprofen. at least that is what i used for me and my 12 year old daughter to bring our fevers down when we had the H1N1.

How long does the Swine Flu virus stay in humans after taking Tamiflu?

If you are sick with an influenza illness, like Swine Flu (A-H1N1/09), the symptoms typically resolve after 3-7 days, for most people, without treatment with an anti-viral medication like Tamiflu. By the end of that time, most, if not all, of the virus particles have been destroyed (neutralized) and filtered from your body. With Tamilflu, studies have shown that the recovery is 1.3 days faster for participants taking Tamiflu than those who were given a placebo. So, it would likely follow that the virus would be destroyed and filtered from your body when treated with Tamiflu after 1.7 to 5.7 days. The typical length of time Tamiflu is prescribed is 5 days.

What is the tammi flu?

this might not be the best answer, but i was perscribed Tamiflu, and the dr i went to was 99% sure i had swine. Tamiflu is a govt medicine and i was told some HEB's have it, i had to go to 3 HEB stores to find it... i feel sooo much better, its only a pill, easy to swallow

What is the antibiotic you take when you have H1N1?

An H1N1/09 (swine flu) infection is caused by a virus. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections. So you do not treat H1N1 with any antibiotics. There are some anti-viral drugs on the market that can make the flu less severe and shorten the duration of the illness (Tamiflu, for example) but they don't really work to "kill" the virus like antibiotics kill bacteria. See the related question below for more information on how the swine flu (H1N1) is treated.