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Q: Does it take more energy to heat water at room temperature to 212 f?
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Why is more heat energy required to rise the temperature of water by 10C when the volume of water is greater?

I think the answer is in your question, because it takes more heat to warm up something with greater temperature

What is the significance of heat capacity?

The specific heat of a substance allows us to calculate the amount of heat energy required to change its temperature. Water has a specific heat nearly 11 times great than copper, therefore, water will take 11 times more energy to heat. Also water heats slowly and copper heats and cools rapidly.

What happens when you heat water vapor?

When you heat water, like anything else, its temperature or energy increases. The molecules will have more and more motion, i.e. more and more energy - this is the definition of temperature. At the boiling point of water, which varies depending on pressure, if you continue to heat it the molecules will start to disassociate and they will become gaseous.

How are the amount of heat transferred and the change in temperature of water related?

Hi, heat transferred = mass x specific heat capacity x rise/fall in temperature If heat is lost then fall in temperature If heat is gained then rise in temperature. More the transfer then greater the difference in temperature.

Which changes temperature more rapidly land or water?

Land tends to change temperature more rapidly than water. This is because land has a lower specific heat capacity compared to water, meaning it requires less energy to change its temperature. As a result, land can heat up and cool down more quickly than water.

Related questions

How is heat different from the temperature of a body?

Heat is the total energy of molecular motion in a substance; temperature is a measure of the average energy of molecular motion in a substance. Heat energy depends on the speed of the particles, the number of particles (the size or mass), and the type of particles in an object. Temperature does not depend on the size or type of object. For example, the temperature of a small cup of water might be the same as the temperature of a large tub of water, but the tub of water has more heat because it has more water and thus more total thermal energy.

What is the different between heat and temperature?

Heat is thermal energy. Temperature is the measurement of average kinetic energy of the particles which compose the matter being tested. Temperature is a relative measure of how hot or cold something is measured on a scale. Temperature is a measure of how much heat energy an object has.

How is temperature diffrent from heat?

Heat is the cause and temperature is the effect. Heat is energy but temperature is outcome of storage of such heat energy in a body. If same amount of heat is given to the same mass of water and aluminium, then temperature will be more in aluminium but less in water. This is similar to the collecting air in different containers. Air is equivalent to heat and pressure created is equivalent to temperature.

Why is more heat energy required to rise the temperature of water by 10C when the volume of water is greater?

I think the answer is in your question, because it takes more heat to warm up something with greater temperature

How does temperature affect energy?

Thermal energy is heat. More heat is more thermal energy.

What is the significance of heat capacity?

The specific heat of a substance allows us to calculate the amount of heat energy required to change its temperature. Water has a specific heat nearly 11 times great than copper, therefore, water will take 11 times more energy to heat. Also water heats slowly and copper heats and cools rapidly.

Which item requires the least energy to increase its temperature lounge chair sand or water Explain your answer in terms of this item's specific heat?

Sand needs least energy to increase the temperature as its specific heat is very low compared to that of water. Water needs more energy to increase its temperature as its specific heat capacity is higher.

Is light thermal energy?

Thermal energy is not light. It is heat! Energy of heat and temperature of matter (more heat=more thermal energy=more movement of molecules) Temperature measures movement of molecules

What is temperature in physics?

Temperature is a measure of the concentration of thermal energy. Consider a lit match and a beaker of room temperature water. The water will have more thermal energy (due to water's high specific heat capacity) than the flame, but the thermal energy of the flame is more concentrated.

What is the realtionship between temperature and energy?

Temperature is a measure of the amount of heat energy an object has.As per the second law of thermodynamics, heat flows from hotter objects to colder objects. The bigger the difference in temperature, the more heat flows.

What happens when you heat water vapor?

When you heat water, like anything else, its temperature or energy increases. The molecules will have more and more motion, i.e. more and more energy - this is the definition of temperature. At the boiling point of water, which varies depending on pressure, if you continue to heat it the molecules will start to disassociate and they will become gaseous.

How do you distinguish between temperature and heat give examples?

Temperature is the average amount of energy present in something; heat is the net total. For example, you can have a glass of water and a pool of water that are the same temperature: dispersed throughout, the amount of energy in each substance is the same. However, in total the pool as much more energy, or heat, because it is much larger than the glass of water.