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Q: Does ivy grow in direct sunlight?
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In-direct sunlight

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Do plants grow better on direct sunlight limited sunlight are no sun light?

Direct Sunlight, but they can survive in limited with an adaptation called geotropism where the plant grows towards the light

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Whisk ferns grow best in moist soil, away from bright, direct sunlight.

What plants grow better in direct sunlight?

all plants need some light. sunflowers, roses, grape vines, corn, etc are examples of some "direct sunlight" prefering plants a site i came across listed which perennial plants grow best in the dark so you know which plants dont grow in direct light ( ) (old answer below) yes plants grow better in direct sunlight because the sun gives off nutrients to the plant and the nutrents helps the plant grow.

What hanging plant doesn't need direct sunlight to grow?

Pothos. They are pretty hardy no matter what.

Do Diefenbachia need direct sunlight?

no they can grow in indirect light that is why they make such good indoor plants

When is sunlight more direct?

Sunlight is more direct at noon

Does an indoor bamboo plant need direct sunlight?

Yes, no plants can grow without light. The lucky bamboo plant doesn't need a significant amount of direct sunlight but does prefer plenty of indirect sunlight. It's a great apartment plant for non-green thumbs.

What lighting does a plant grow best?

Plants all grow differently in different lighting, depending on the plant it could grow best in shade or direct sunlight it all depends on what the plant is.

Do plants grow better in sunlight or no sunlight?

sunlight because plants can`t grow without sunlight

Do sunflower plants like lots of sun?

I am not sure about heat but I do know that they grow better when they are planted in direct sunlight.