

Does junk food in school make you obese?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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All junk food can make you obese if you do not get enough exercise.

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Q: Does junk food in school make you obese?
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Why should school sell junk food?

1. It could make children and adults overweight or obese

Why should school canteens sell junk food?

1. It could make children and adults overweight or obese

Why should junk food be banned in school?

Many people believe that junk food should not be allowed in school canteens because it encourages unhealthy food choices. It might be better for children to be given healthy choices, especially in school.

What type of foods are junk foods?

Junk food is food that are have low quality, quick service and are fattening. There are lots of different types of junk food such as:- Fast food: § Fish & Chips;§ Fried chicken;§ Pizza;§ Burger;§ Noodles;§ Pasta;§ Sausages and beans;- Snacks:§ Crisps;§ Chocolate;§ Sweets;§ Biscuits;§ Ice - cream;§ Hot-dogs;§ Donuts;- Soft drinks:§ Coke;§ Fanta;§ Pepsi;§ Dr. Pepper;§ Sprite;§ Tizer;§ Lemonade;You always have to be careful with junk food as if you eat too much you may start to get obese. Obesity can be caused by:· Large meal portions;· Easily available junk food;· Cheap poor quality food;· Not enough exercise;· Poor quality school meals;· Reduction of school sport;· Not enough free exercise facilities;To prevent yourself form becoming obese, you could:· Eat smaller meals;· Have a minimum amount of junk food;· Buy better quality food;· Exercise more often;· Eat fresh fruits and vegetables;· Join a gym;· Consume healthier food;. Visiting your GP more often;

Why should junk food stay in school cafeterias?

junk food should stay in cafeterias because children don't need to worry about their weight it's just make them less self confident. and shouldn't parents and teachers and school administrators be more worried about the education of the children? and if they are so concerned about it then pack the child's lunch and don't give them money to buy the junk food.

Does junk food make us short?


What if your friend eats too much junk food how would you be able to bring about a change in her attitude towards food?

Show the person pictures and information on obese people from the internet, trust me, it can make more than a few people twitch in horror :D

Why should you not eat junk food and drink alcohol?

the acid in the junk food mixed with alcohol will make your stomach explode.

Can junk food lead to bullying?

Yes because junk food can make you fat which makes you a prime target for bullying.

Why some people fear of food?

Some people think all food can make them obese

Why should we not eat junk food?

There is nothing wrong with eating junk food; the problem lies in eating too much of it. Too much junk food takes the place of healthy foods so you probably aren't getting enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A snack once in a while isn't bad, just make sure you eat plenty of healthy food and save the junk food for a rare treat.

Can people eat junk food and still be healthy?

as we all know junk food is not good .we can make the same food more healthier from outside made food