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Q: Does Jupiter's moon Europa have encouraging signs of life?
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What of Jupiters moons may have life on it?

Europa has frozen oceans.

Do planet jupiters moon europa have water on it?

Europa has ice on it and it is hypothesized that there is an ocean of water below the ice.Some have suggested that there is life on Europa. The Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) has been proposed to investigate this and other aspects in a 2020 launch.

What makes Europa Special?

Jupiters moon, Europa, is special as it is thought to have a huge layer of water under its crust. This water may be able to support simple life forms if the conditions are right.

Can jupiters moons Europe support life?

Yes. If it were life like we know it here on earth, it would have to be located deep in Europa's ocean near thermal (heat) vents in the ocean's floor.

What moon is currently being watched for signs of life?

Europa, Jupiter's sixth moon.

Which of jupiters moon can support life?

At the moment, none. In the future, when we some some evidence, I'm sure this answer will be updated. 2nd Answer: Although we do not know if there is life on the moon Europa, most scientists agree that life could arise and exist deep in Europa's ocean near thermal (heat) vents in the ocean's floor.

Is there aliens in real?

we don't know sciencetist are still searching for life but there might be life on jupiters moon europa and saturns moon titan might have life on them but we don't really know that's are best answer we can give you

Does Jupiter moon have water?

OK well Jupiter moon Europa dose have water and it always will be unless something goes wrong with the moon so you just know

What characteristic do mars and europa share with earth that make them candidates to support extraterestrial life?

Signs of previous/current water.

Is there water on Jupiters moons?

yes europa has an icy surface but underneath theres underwater volcanoes that warms the ocean. plus theres some oxigen which now scientist belive that there is aquatic life there.

What is so special about jupiters moon europa?

Finally, a question that makes sense. It is often said that europa has water under its surface. This could create life that would be adapted to cold and high radiation. Also, under the surface where there would be no light, life could thrive on hot water jets, or so called, 'Black Smokers.' (not trying to make racial reference!)

Scientists think that europa may have what?

The scientists think that Europa can have the life on it.