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The better karma you have now, the better your future and/or next life will be.

How karma works in this life or next: The positive or negative deeds come back to us resulting in the same or higher value.

Karma and cycles of rebirth:

Hindus believe that after their death their soul enters another body and after that life it enters yet another body. It is supposed that good Karma puts an end to such cycles of rebirth of the soul and enables us to attain Moksha.

The cycles of birth, life and death:

Cycles of rebirth are just symbolic of an activity appearing in a modified form again and again. This is due to the Voluntary (manual) force that the activity generates every time it is executed.

Karma enables us to execute an activity in such a way that it is half good and half bad. Thus, the activity results in neither loss nor gain of Voluntary force. Thus, the activity loses its ability to change and also becomes Involuntary (automatic).

Effect of Karma:

1. Karma filters off Voluntary force from activities

2. It makes them half good and half bad, thus making it impossible to think or talk about them. Thus, it gets us freedom and also gives us calmness

3. It makes the activities Involuntary.

4. It merges all activities into a single giant activity called life.

The next life:

According to Hinduism there is nothing called next life. In Hinduism an activity symbolically represents life. It is this activity that is reborn again and again in a new form. To attain Moksha we have to prevent this transformation of the activity every time it is executed and see to it that it remains unchanged, so that it can be executed Involuntarily.

We attain Moksha by executing all activities of our life Involuntarily. Brahman is nothing but pure Involuntary force.

Thus, undoubtedly, Karma affect our present life only.

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Q: Does karma affect you in this life or in the next?
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