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Q: Does kinds of soil affect the flow of water in watersheds?
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What causesn watersheds to start?

Watersheds are created by the natural topography of the land, where water flows downhill to a central point such as a river, lake, or ocean. Factors like precipitation, elevation, and soil type contribute to the formation of watersheds. Human activities can also impact watersheds by altering the landscape and affecting the natural flow of water.

Why are watersheds important to wildlife?

Watersheds are important to wildlife because they ensure that there is adequate rainfall and ground water. They assist the process through which ground water can evaporate and end up as precipitation once again. Watersheds are also important habitat for fish and other animals that need drink water often.

Does the permeability to water affect the equilibrium flow in and flow out value?


What might affect the flow of the water in a river?

A dam or weir

How are aquifers groundwater and watersheds impacted by drought?

During a drought, the reduced precipitation leads to decreased recharge of aquifers and groundwater levels decline. This can impact water availability for agriculture, drinking water supplies, and ecosystems that rely on groundwater. Watersheds are also affected as reduced surface water flow and in some cases disturbances in streamflow can occur, impacting the overall health of the watershed ecosystem.

How does steepness of slopes affect erosion?

Erosion is driven by the movement of water, or water flow. The steeper the slope, the faster water will flow. The faster water flows, the quicker erosion occurs.

Name two watersheds in Virginia that do not flow into the Chesapeake Bay?

The Roanoke River watershed and the New River watershed.

How does the speed of flowing water affect erosion?

The faster the flow, the more erosion.

How does gravity and slope affect a river?

Gravity makes higher and lower water flow which makes it deaper or shallower.

How water flow rate affect performance of vapour compression cycle?

the sun heat up the water

How does water flow affect turbidity?

i have tested the to doing charts and graphs and when stream flow is fast the turbidity raises and and when the stream flow decreases so does the turbidity

How do you reduce heavy flow of your period?

I've noticed If you drink a lot of water it helps reduce the flow but it doesnt affect the length