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Yes. This is true of all animals and humans.

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Q: Does kittens come through the vagina of a cat?
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How are kittens made?

Kittens are made when a female cat and a male cat love each other they have sexual intercourse. The male cat's penis goes into the female's vagina and the sperm meets the eggs, fertilizing them. After 6 to 8 weeks the female cat gives birth to 1 to 7 kittens.

If a female cat is neutered will it ever have kittins?

No, a spayed cat will not be able to have kittens, nor come on heat. The spaying procedure removes the reproductive organs which renders a female cat unable to come into season and have kittens.

What does it mean when your cat makes a weird sound whenever her kittens come near her?

She is just greeting her kittens.

What happens if a pregnant cat dies before having kittens?

If a pregnant cat passes away before it's kittens are born, unless the kittens are removed through cesarean section, then the kittens unfortunately will die as well.

Are kittens delivered out of the mother cat's anus or vagina?

All mammals give birth through the vagina, the opening to the reproductive organs. In egg-laying animals (birds, snakes), a common orifice called the cloaca (Latin "sewer") is used for waste as well as reproduction.

What helps a mother cat produce milk for her kittens?

Cats nurse kittens until the kittens are about four or five weeks old. At this age, kittens begin to wean and are able to eat soft kitten food. The mother cat's teets will dry and retract slightly. The only true way to tell if a cat is still nursing kittens is through observation.

Can a cat who is nursing kittens be given antibiotics?

Check with your vet before giving your cat any medications, especially if it is nursing. Medications can pass through the cats milk and harm the kittens.

What to do before a cat has kittens?

First of all, keep the mom cat comfortable, fed well, and clean. The same goes for after the kittens come. Second, you'll need to prepare for the kittens. Make sure the bed/box or wherever the mom cat is staying is big enough for herself and for her kittens. Keep the bedding clean as well.

Can a hermaphrodite cat have kittens or produce kittens?

My client witnesses a hermaphrodite cat have kittens, it looks mostly male from the outside but delivered kittens.

A cat with two kittens are sleeping or A cat with two kittens is sleeping.?

'with two kittens' describe the cat. So, you should write 'is sleeping'. But if you mean that all three of them are sleeping, write 'A cat and his two kittens are sleeping'.

Where does a cat have its babys?

With all mammals, unborn kittens grow and develop in the womb. During birth, the kittens travel down the birth canal and out of the mother's body through her vagina. The vagina (or vulva) is right below the cat's anus.

what is this kittens?

kittens is little cat(s)