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Q: Does kohls have people aristed when there blood sugar drops because they think there drunk and staggerig because at 56 yrs old you were?
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Related questions

Why is donation important?

donating blood is important because everyday people of all ages are put in the hospital in need of blood and the people who donate blood are life savers because people who need blood can die but they get blood from the blood drive and they live a full happy and healthy life.

Do blind people cry blood?

No, blind people do not cry blood. They are blind because the cones in there eyes are damaged. This has nothing to do with the fluids coming out of there eyes. People who cry blood, this is because, instead of water, a blood vessel takes its place.

Why do hospitals ask people to donate blood?

they ask people to donate blood so that they can give the blood to people who need it because they have lost alot of blood and or going to have a transplant or oporation.

Why is blood important in horror movies?

blood is important to horror movies because it is always about killing

Do people who weigh more have more blood volume?

People who weigh more do not normally have more blood volume. This is because what makes people overweight is fat not blood.

Is Mac dre a blood?

No, Mac Dre was not a blood. People thought he was a blood because of the people he affilated him self with. Yukmouth was a blood and many others. Mac Dre was not.

Does the atrium collect blood?

Yes it does collect blood because the blood is meant 4 people who needs it.

Why people with blood type O are known as universal blood donors?

because their blood cells don't have a different type of chemical on them as in A and B blood. actually, only people with O negative blood are universal donors because if you have A negative, you can't take O positive blood

Why do people suck blood?

because it tastes good

Is Dracula satanic?

yes he is because dracula sucks blood and he kills people and GOD does not like that and dracula is sucking GODS blood because his blood is ours

People with type AB blood are considered the universal recipient for transfusions because?

People with AB blood are universal recipients, people with 0 negative blood are universal donors.

What blood type is the universal blood type?

AB type blood is known as the universal recipient because people with this blood can accept donations from any other blood type. O blood is considered the universal donor because this blood can be accepted by any recipient.