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Q: Does lack of protein make you tired?
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Will to much protein in your blood make you feel tired?

Does to much protein in your blood make you tired?

What if you dont get to many carbohydrates?

carbs are energy, so lack there of will make someone really tired and sluggish

What can make your husband so tired all the time?

anemia, poor diet, lack of sleep, and definitively depression

What is protein malnutrition caused by?

Lack of protein, I suppose.

Do you get ill if you are a vegetarian?

Many vegetarians do from lack of protein in the meat they don't eat. So if you are a vegetarian, make sure you take daily vitamins and protein shakes because when you don't have protein you will get Ill!

How do you feel when you are extremely tired and lack of sleep?


Can you feel tired and sleepy from a lack of food?


Is feeling tired a sign of chronic kidney disease?

No... you may feel tired from lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, lack of nutrition, anxiety, worrying, stress and sometimes even from doing any form of physical activity.

The enzyme salivary amylase will act on starch but not on protein?

Lack protein.

What causes lack of protein?

lack of protein is usually associated with vegans,vegetarians but is when the person is not receiving enough protein though their diet and usually stems from not eating meat as that is the main source of protein for humans.

What does it mean if you are always tired?

If you are feeling tired there is always a reason. Your body is trying to communicate that something is wrong or needed. Exhaustion can be manifested as a symptom from mental disorders such as depression or anxiety. It may also be from a lack of protein in the diet, anemia or lack of iron, low blood sugar levels, or a deficiency of vitamins or minerals. If this is a persistent problem, it is best to contact your family doctor.

Can too little protein harm your body?

Yes, a lack of protein and other essential nutrients can make you anemic and sick. Your body relies on nutrients to function, so with out them, you won't.