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Q: Does lamictal reduce efficacy of Dexedrine?
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Dexedrine can be taken with barbiturates, such as butalbital.

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Is lamotrigine also known as Lamictal?

Yes. It is the generic name for Lamictal.

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Is it safe to take lamictal with cough syrup?

Yes, it is safe to take cough syrup while you are taking Lamictal. Lamictal is used to treat seizures and mood disorders.

Is it safe to take vicoden with lamictal?

(I am not a doctor)  I have been taking 300mgs of Lamictal once a day for 10 years due to a seizure disorder and in that time I have been prescribed vicodin for a few dental issues.  I noticed no adverse effects.  It may be only subjective, but I did notice that it wasn't as effective as ibuprofen.  So it is possible that Lamictal may reduce the effectiveness of vicodin.  But as with any drug you are unsure about, always consider what other medications you are currently prescribed.  

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political efficacy

How do you snort dexedrine?

have you tried your nose?

What is lamigdole?

Perhaps you mean, Lamictal. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer used to treat Bipolar disorder or seizures.

Is it safe to mix lamictal with suboxone?

My doctor prescribes me lamictal, cellexa and suboxone and I have not had any adverse reactions