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no charging it while on is the same as while off the only thing different is maybe one or two apps won't work while charging and you can't move too much do to the short charger for ipods

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Q: Does leaving on an iPod touch while charging affect the iPod?
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Is it okay to play your ipod touch while its charging?

Absolutely. Charging means power is going to the lithium battery cell. playing with your itouch while it's charging doesn't affect it's charging at all .

Can you play an ipod touch while charging?

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The Ipod touch is done charging when the green battery on screen while it is plugged in if completely filled with green

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If it is an iPod Touch, yes, you can work on an iPod or use the iPod while it is charging.

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it shouldnt be dangerous. its like using a laptop while its charging or using your ipod touch while charging.

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yes but i will take longer to charge

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no it will not i do it all the time

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