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yes I think

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Q: Does leopard seal live in the arctic?
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Related questions

What does the leopard do?

The Leopard seal just eats, swim, live and have babys

What do leopard seal live in?

The Mojave Desert

What biome does a seal live in?

The Tundra / Arctic

Where does a Weddell seal live in the arctic?

It does not live anywhere in the Arctic (the north polar region). The Weddell Seal is a native of the Antarctic (the south polar region)

What are three types of seals found in Antarctica?

leopard seal, crabeater seal, elephant seal - live in the Antartica.

What continent does the harp seal live on?

the arctic tundra

Where in Antarctica does leopard seal live?

yes they could live because that's where they are found

What type of home does the Leopard seal have?

Sea Leopards live in the sea.

Is a leopard seal an enemy of a polar bear?

No, leopard seals are found in Antarctica and the polar bear in the Arctic. Even if they lived in the same habitat, they would not be enemies. The polar bear would consider the seal to be a potential meal, not an enemy.

How many types of seals live in Antarctica?

there are 7 species of seal. the harp seal, the bearded seal, the spotted seal the ringed seal aiii nvm

Is a leopard seal vertebrate or a invertebrate?

The Leopard Seal is a Vertebrate.

When was Leopard seal created?

Leopard seal was created in 1820.