

Does lice shield really work

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Does lice shield really work
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Does listerine and gasoline work for lice please tell me my friend has it and i don't want it too?

A really good lice fighter would be rosemary instead. There are rosemary shampoos that you can try that help prevent and fight lice.

What is the symbiosis for lice living on a scalp?

There really are no symbols that you have lice, but what you can do is look through your hair and if you find eggs then you probably have lice.

What is a head lice treament?

Well, i know that it really sounds gross, but one thing to do is to put mayo all over the head and then cover it with plastic wrap to suffocate all the lice, another is to wash hair in eggs (which is again very gross but it will REALLY work:)

How do you get rid of fleas using Hartz shampoo?

If they really are fleas, you can wash them out with shampoo. Simple. But they may not be fleas. They may be head lice. To deal with the lice, go to your local chemist or pharmacy to get a head lice killer pack. It's available without a prescription.

What is a good really good way to kill lice?

you can buy specific shampoo that kills lice in a couple days.

Does lucas cruikshank really have lice?

No, where'd you hear that?

Did Jimmy Hendrix really have fleas and lice?

yes...lots of well as head antelopes....

How do lice in hair will die?

Get a haircut, a really short haircut, if you can make your head bald do it. Not even one lice will be left.

Why doesn't rid or nix work on head lice?

This only loosens the lice you need a special comb to remove them

What soothes the itch from lice till you get to store?

Nothing really!

Does mint mouth wash work on head lice?


How can you really get rid of lice?

Throw the infected person in a drier for 45-60 minutes on high heat, that should get rid of the Lice