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Yes, lime fertilizer can affect small children.

Specifically, lime fertilizer can have irritating effects on people and wildlife. It irritates the skin. Applicators therefore must make sure that treatments are not applied in the presence of children or pets. They also need to be sure to wear proper protective clothing that puts a barrier between the fertilizer and the person's eyes, mouth, nose and skin.

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Q: Does lime fertilizer have any effects on small children?
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Do you fertilize before putting lime on?

This depends on the PH (acidity-alkalinity of your soil), the lime may not be required.There will be some lime in the fertilizer but,if, after a soil test, lime is required, it can be applied at the same time as the fertilizer.

Can you add sulfur and fertilizer to your lawn at the same time?

Yes you can. The lime will not interfere with you application of fertilizer.

What types of trees cannot have lime fertilizer around them?

Trees that grow within a narrow range of acidity or neutrality cannot have lime fertilizer around them.Specifically, lime fertilizer acts to raise the soil pH. Trees that survive within a narrowly defined range of acidity cannot handle fluctuations that may be provoked by lime fertilizer applications. Similarly, trees that require soil pH levels within the neutral range do not respond well to even the slightest alkalinizing of soils.

What sort of fertilizer is sedimentary rock?

The fertiliser lime is the sedimentary rock limestone.

What are the effects of adding lime to fertilizer?

Altering the soil pH is the effect of adding lime to fertilizer.Specifically, lime acts to acidify the soil that is being fertilized. A more acidic soil comes up with a more acidic pH in soil analysis. Acidic pHs fall below the middle, neutral range on a 1-14 pH scale.

When is best time to spread lime in Oklahoma under large trees?

should I spread lime and fertilizer at same time under large trees

Which one uses popularly acidic fertilizer-ammonium sulphate or superphosphate of lime?

ammonium sulphate

When was fertilizer first used?

Fertilizer was first used by the ancient Romans who tilled their crops and added nitrogen and lime to the soil because they knew it would help grow their plants.

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Why shouldn't lime and ammonium fertilizer be added to the soil at the same time?

lime would make your soil basic i.e. less acidic. ammonium will remain available to plants only when in acidic atmosphere with little exposure to air, other wise it will either bleach away, evaporate into the air, or be used by other organisms in the soil and will not be available to the plant.

How do you make organic fertilizer?

you make it my using some animal remains and mixing it with water and lime. any kind of limes.

Does lime help citrus trees?

Citrus trees are trees that grow citrus fruits, such as orange, lemon, lime. I don't know how a fruit can help its tree. i am no expert but the fruit can help because as it decomposes it is a natural fertilizer for the tree i have heard that some fruit trees like banana peels on the ground to decompose into fertilizer.