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Q: Does limestone take a long Time to weather and eroded?
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What type of weather is needed to form caves?

For most caves, in limestone, sufficient precipitation over sufficiently long time - but cave development also depends the region's geology and geomorphology.

Why does the pyramid of Giza look like it does?

Because the casing-stones were removed a very long time ago - they were polished limestone that covered the whole pyramid and would have afforded great protection from the weather.

What kind of limestone might be deposited in Mammoth caves?

Calcite rather than limestone - the crystalline version of calcium carbonate which is limestone's primary constituent. However it is only being deposited in speleothems (stalactites and stalagmites). . Elsewhere in the cave, limestone is being removed, not deposited, by any stream(s) still flowing in the the system. . The limestone which holds the cave was deposited then uplifted into the highlands whose eroded forms you see now, long before the cave started to develop.

Is an iceberg water eroded?

a iceber is water eroded because it's water that's been frozen for a long period of time and it has became frozen in a period of year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a iceber is water eroded because it's water that's been frozen for a long period of time and it has became frozen in a period of year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is weather a short period of time or long period of time?

Weather last s mostly long Time for example a snow storm

Is erosion the average weather of a region over a long period of time?

No, climate is the average weather of a region over a long period of time.

Which type of rocks can be weathered and eroded?

All types of rocks can be eroded, so long as they are exposed to the elements.

Weather over a long period of time?


Is limestone a metallic element?

Most limestone is the skeletal remains of marine organisms. Basically, laid down on the sea bed in layers, and compressed over a very long time, the layers become solid limestone rock.

What is the huge mass of limestone made of?

Limestone is composed of the skeletal remains of minute sea creatures. The layers are then subjected to compression and, over a very long time, hardened into a sedimentary rock.

Where was limestone originally formed?

Limestone is the skeletal remains of small marine shelled creatures. Their remains sank to the floor of the seas, and the layers became rock over a very long time.

How long can a limestone quarry produce limestone?

This depends on the size of the limestone deposit, the rate of extraction and the economic viability of the deposit.