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Q: Does liquid bleach turn tap water blue?
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What color does dark blue material turn if you bleach it?

Light Blue.

What color does bleach turn blue litmus paper?

It will turn more then likely turn light purple. It's really dependent on the concentration of the bleach in the water and to be truly precise, the pH balance of the water itself. Bleach is an alkali or base rather then acidic. So it's pH balance alone is 13 out of a 14 point scale. So it's very base (or alkali).

What color does light blue material turn if you bleach it?

Blue seems to turn into a peachy creamy yellowish

Do pennies rust in water vinegar and bleach?

A mixture of water, vinegar, and bleach is corrosive to most metals. If pennies are placed in it, the copper will oxidize. Rusting is a term only applying to the oxidization of iron, not other metals. The pennies will look a lot cleaner and the liquid will turn blue. If you leave the pennies in the mixture too long, holes may start to form in them.

What gas can turn into a liquid?

water vapor (gas state) can turn into water (liquid state) when cooled.

Why does well water turn cloudy after adding bleach?

The bleach is removing contaminants and may even turn murky for a day or two, but will soon clear up.

Why does copper blue macke the water turn blue?

copper blue macke make water blue because the die from the macke spreds through the water causing it to turn blue

What would happen if you tested bleach with an indicator?

it would turn blue because bleech is a base.

What color does litmus paper turn when dipped in bleach?

Bleach turns litmus paper blue because it is a base (pH levels 12-14)

Can concrete turn into a liquid?

no once the concrete gets hard it cannot turn into liquid state again but you can turn concrete powder into liquid by adding water :)

What causes water vapor turn back into liquid?

When water vapor is cooled it turns into liquid.

Water can turn from liquid to gas by evaporating or what?

Yes, evaporation turns water from liquid to gas.