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To me it smells like a cross between stale urine and spoiled fish

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Q: Does liquid methadone contain alcohol
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How do you turn liquid methadone into powder?

in some countries liquid methadone is all there is. liquid methadone is obtained by dissolving methadone wafers or methadone powder in a solution with alcohol, sugar, and an optional colorant.

Does Methadone HCL and liquid methadone the same on drug test?

Yes, drug tests look at metabolites, and since both forms contain methadone hydrochloride, the drug test will be positive for methadone metabolites.

What’s stronger methadone liquid or pills?

What’s stronger methadone liquid or pills?

Is there salt in methadone?

Methadone doesn't contain salt.

What is the difference between the pink liquid methadone and the clear liquid methadone Witch is stronger?

I went to a methadone treatment center in Pittsburgh, Pa and i had both pink and clear liquids and i def think that the clear liquid Methadone is stronger then the pink liquid methadone i think its pink because of the artificial flavoring!

What kind of over the counter cold-flu medicine can you safely take while on a methadone treatment program you currently take 65mg of liquid methadone daily?

Anything that does not contain codeine. Just be careful because there is alcohol and DM in cold meds and they can depress the nervous system.. Just use it as it says on the box and you should be ok.

How to Convert 1 mg of methadone to 1 ml?

1 ml of methadone liquid = 10 mg of methadone

Does methadone liquid and pill form show up identical in a drug screen?

No, both forms of methadone will show up as methadone on a urine drug test.

What drugs mixed with alcohol cause blackouts?

The answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, you can get a blackout when you take alcohol and methadone together. And no, methadone is not the cause of a blackout. If you get a blackout it is strictly from the Alcohol consumption. Of course, methadone will increase your level of intoxication. But if you blackout on methadone, you are either dead or overdosing. Methadone is a very dangerous drug and has an incredibly long half-life. I do NOT recommend mixing methadone and any other drug. If you are going to drink while on methadone, do so in moderation.

Is the alcohol in a thermometer poisonous?

Alcohol is not the liquid in a candy thermometer. It is a proprietary mixture of chemicals. it is poisonous. Some of them now contain substances such as toluene.

Is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) is a solid or liquid?

Rubbing alcohol is a liquid.

Not mix with methadone?

You should avoid benzodiazepines and ETOH (alcohol) while taking methadone. Methadone, benzodiazepines and alcohol are all respiratory suppressants combining any of these three can lead to respiratory arrest and possibly death.