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I went to a methadone treatment center in Pittsburgh, Pa and i had both pink and clear liquids and i def think that the clear liquid Methadone is stronger then the pink liquid methadone i think its pink because of the artificial flavoring!

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Q: What is the difference between the pink liquid methadone and the clear liquid methadone Witch is stronger?
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What’s stronger methadone liquid or pills?

Is methadone stronger than benzo?

I have found that the pill is stronger than the liquid, I am on 110mg of liquid, before i was on pills, the pills are much stronger... Ebp &hag

Is 50mg of liquid methadone the same as 50mg methadone pill?

Some people say there the same, but in my opinion the wafer(pill) i think is stronger & holds you longer.

How do you turn liquid methadone into powder?

in some countries liquid methadone is all there is. liquid methadone is obtained by dissolving methadone wafers or methadone powder in a solution with alcohol, sugar, and an optional colorant.

What is the difference between pill form and liguid methadone?

There may be a slight difference in the time it takes to get into your system. I have heard people say that the liquid worse for your teeth and tongue but it's probably minimal at best. Methadone 10mg pills take an hour and Ten minutes to feel the effect. With the liquid it usually takes around 25 minutes to a half an hour. Also Liquid is injectable where as some forms of the pills will gell up on you making them not injectable. Another problem is that the pills have been known to cause more nausea.

Does liquid methadone contain alcohol?

To me it smells like a cross between stale urine and spoiled fish

How to Convert 1 mg of methadone to 1 ml?

1 ml of methadone liquid = 10 mg of methadone

Does methadone liquid and pill form show up identical in a drug screen?

No, both forms of methadone will show up as methadone on a urine drug test.

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Why can't you shoot up liquid methadone?

Because you shouldnt be a junkie shooting methadone it is dumb

What liquid medicines are green?

There are many. One example of a liquid that is green is methadone.

If particles in liquid a has a stronger attraction than particles in liquid b if both liquids are at the same tempureture which liquid has a higher viscosity?

Liquid A because the attraction between the particles in Liquid A are stronger than the particles in Liquid B . Answered By : BCP or CP (Nick Name From School)