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The basic Islam belief is the belief in Allah (God in English) the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, and no associate. refer to question below.

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Q: Does lslam have gods
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What is the god or gods of lslam religion?

There is only one God, Allah, according to them.

People who practice lslam?

they are called Muslims.

The city where mohammed was born and first preached lslam the holy city of lslam?

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) began preaching in Makkah about 610 AD

Why don't lslam worship Jesus?

Because they are not Christian.

What are the religion of the people in Somalia?

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What year was lslam founded?

it was foundedin 622 c.e

What are the name of lslam religion law?

Shari 'ah

Who was the first prophet of lslam?

Prophet Adam (Peace be upon Him)

Where do most of the followers of lslam live?

India, nepal and Myanmar

How is lslam similar to judaism and chistianity?

Becaues they are tje same

What are followers of lslam known as?

The followers of Islam are known as the Muslims.

What is lslam's holiest city?

It is Makkah (or Mecca) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia