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Atoms do not have a radius. A helium atom has a nucleus composed of at least two protons and maybe one or two neutrons. A magnesium atom nucleus (and every other atom on the Periodic Table other than hydrogen) is BIGGER than a helium nucleus. So if you look at it that way...magnesium is larger than helium

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Q: Does magnesium have a smaller radius than helium?
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How does Magnesium's atomic radius compare to aluminum?

Magnesium's atomic radius is smaller than Calcium's.

Why is Mg smaller than Cl?

Magnesium isn't smaller than chlorine, it's larger. The atomic radius for magnesium is 145 pm and the atomic radius for chlorine is 79 pm. Both magnesium and chlorine are in the third period of the periodic table. The trend for atomic radius is that the elements generally get smaller as you move from left to right across the table in the same period.

What element has a smaller ionic radius than magnesium?

Examples are: Be, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni etc.

Does an aluminum ion have a larger or smaller radius than magnesium?

Induim because as you go across a group and down a period (or across a period and down a group, I forget which is correct) the atomic radius gets larger.

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the positive ionic radius is smaller than the neutral atomic radius

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because the size of helium is smaller than that of neon.

When an atom becomes a cation what happens to it's radius?

The atomic radius of a cation is smaller than that of its original atom. See the related link for an image example of what this may look like.

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No, only if the diameter is bigger than the radius is the radius smaller than the diameter.

What are the most reactive element out of neon argon and helium?

They are both noble gases. Neon is more reactive than Argon because it has a smaller radius, therefore its electrons are closer to the nucleus

Infer Magnesium and sodium atoms are about the same size How does the size of a magnesium ion with a 2 charge compare with that of a sodium ion with a single charge?

The sodium ion will be larger. Because magnesium has one more proton than sodium, its nuclei pull harder on the electrons, reducing the ion's radius. This means that the magnesium ion is smaller.