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Not necessarily, it could just mean that you were funny and the girl liked the joke, you have to see more than just one sign to know if she is into you.

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Q: Does making a girl laugh mean she is starting to like you more?
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How can you show a girl you like her?

by treating her nice and making her laugh. if you can make a girl laugh you can do anything... well almost. ----------------------- depends on the girl. try and start casual conversations with her. eventually ask her out, if u get !!!REJECTED!!! then u knw she doesnt like you.

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Get her to like you by impressing her and making her laugh a be aload of fun you know she would like and have fun.

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Just be yourself if she is a keeper she will like you for you also making them laugh doesn't hurt.

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2 make you laugh i guess because i have this 1 Friend that she always act weird or if you friend a boy den he like you if its a girl den she like you the same gender making you laugh

Do guys laugh when a girl calls him cutie or do they just like it?

Well the guys I know laugh.

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no unless he's younger guys like it when they can act immature and the girl will laugh at them act shy or if he's a funny then try to get him to laugh not at you but with you

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Well he may talk about them or you may see him talking to her often. Usually guys just like Making conversation with the girl like making her laugh, smile and just by making her talk A lot. Just sometimes look at them while the girl isn't looking also for the younger kids a guy pretends to not like the girl saying things like " your so annoying" good luck figureing out :)

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Make her laugh and smile.

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Just talk to her! Girls often (I am one myself) enjoy having someone to talk to. Joke around. Making someone laugh is probably a good start.

What does Liam Payne look for in a girl?

Liam: I like cute, shy girls. Someone you can have a laugh with, I like it when I make a girl laugh and likewise, when they make me laugh too. I'm the only one in the band that has a girlfriend though, so I'm not on the lookout at the moment.

What does Liam Payne look in a girl?

Liam: I like cute, shy girls. Someone you can have a laugh with, I like it when I make a girl laugh and likewise, when they make me laugh too. I'm the only one in the band that has a girlfriend though, so I'm not on the lookout at the moment.

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You can get Justin Bieber to love you by making him laugh. Justin said "I like girls that can make me laugh."