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Making ear wax candles does work if done correctly and safely. When the right way and the safe way you will melt away most of the wax left in your ear.

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Q: Does making ear wax candles really work?
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Related questions

What are ear candles made of and how are they used?

Ear Candles are made of wax. They are used to drip into your ear, and clear them out. I don't know who would do that though, why not just use q tips, instead of hot wax.

Why do you have both really dry ear wax that sticks to you ear like a scab but isn't and also wet wax at the same time that i can't get rid of becaouse i constantly have buildup of wax?

ear candles are fake, they have the wax in it before you use it source youtube - SEARCH EAR CANDLES TRUTH

Do they clean ear wax before making it into crayons?

Sadly no. they do not clean the ear wax before making it into crayons and candles ect. So that is why you should not eat crayons because you are eating dead people's earwax gross!

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How were candles made in 1356?

with wax and a stick

What are Hopi Ear Candles used for?

Hopi ear candles are used for natural and therapeutic treatment of the ear canal. Although results may vary between patients, a lot of the time, it is found to have great results on various ear conditions such as infection, as well as wax removal.

How do ear candles help people?

Ear candles are a type of alternative therapy that involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear canal and lighting the other end. Proponents claim that it creates a vacuum effect that draws out earwax and impurities. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, and in some cases, ear candles can cause injury or worsen ear conditions. It is recommended to seek advice from a medical professional before trying ear candling.

What would happen if the bones in the middle of the ear did not work properly?

Your outer ear would sag or hang making it harder to hear.

What character made candles from ear wax?

Shrek in the first movie.

Does sell ear candles?

Yes, Amazon sells ear candles of different varieties. They come in different colors, shapes and sizes and some are even scented. You can find a lot of cheap deals there.

How long does ear candling take?

When an experienced ear candler performs the procedure using 2 ear candles per ear, the session may last an hour or more. Each candle can take 8 to 12 minutes to burn down to 4" in length, where it is then removed and extinguished. For adults, 1 to 4 ear candles per ear are recommended for a single session.

Do candles have any special meanings in different religions?

in shikism they sybolise ear wax in shikism they sybolise ear wax in shikism they sybolise ear wax