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Actually, low testosterone can cause male infertility.

Low testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction, low male libido and possible low sperm count.

Your doctor can give you more specific information on this subject.

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Q: Does male infertility affect testosterone levels?
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How do you find male testosterone?

you have to have a blood test taken to find the testosterone levels in the body

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No, but inebriation can affect the ability to perform.

Can the use of testosterone by a male help sexual arousal?

usually testosterone is what makes men in general sexually active but if that in the rare event a male has gone off sex it could be due to low testosterone levels...maybe women that have higher testosterone levels are more sexually active also

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Alcohol decreases testosterone levels by affecting hormone regulation between the brain and gonads.

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Your normal testosterone range may change, depending on the lab your blood work is processed. For statistical purposes, typical male testosterone levels range between 250ng/dl to 850 ng/dl.

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Smoking, drugs, stress, anxiety, alcohol, low testosterone levels.

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Testosterone is the male hormone that controls Puberty and growth in a male. Boys have other hormones in their bodies also, including female hormones ! But Testosterone is the greater male hormone that gives boys their characteristics.

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Testosterone is what makes us more masculine.

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Of course not! Weed doesn't lower the amount of testosterone in your body. It will have no affect whatsoever.

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Genetics and testosterone levels are correlated with male pattern baldness.

Can the menopause affect coloured hair?

Yes, Due to the low levels of female hormones in the body during menopause. The male hormone testosterone becomes more powerful and higher levels of testosterone can weaken hair or make it fall out. Hormone replacement patches can help by adding more female hormones to the body.

Can castration affect male hormones?

The testes produce the male hormone testosterone and therefore the body no longer produces this whether done by surgery or chemically