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Q: Does mammals use trees for both food and shelter?
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What animals rely on poplar trees?

It depends on whatyou mean by "popular trees". Most birds use trees for food and shelter, small mammals use trees for food and maybe shelter, and humans (well all animals) need oxygen. And oxygen is provided by trees.

Could koalas live in other ecosystems?

No. Koalas need eucalyptus trees to survive, as they rely on eucalyptus trees for both food and shelter. These trees form the koala's bushland habitat, or ecosystem.

Can mammals help trees?

yes, they can help by there scat which well go in the soil and put nutrients in and exchange of gas the mammal take in oxygen then breathes out Carbon Dioxide but can also harm trees.

Why do ringtail possums use trees?

Trees provide a possum's needs - food and shelter.

How thick are cottonwood trees?

to give food and shelter to the animals.

What are the things trees provide for wildlife?

Food, protection and shelter.

What type of shelter is there in a freshwater Biome?

Cattails, Food, trees......................

How many Animals are killed by Trees getting down trees?

They need trees for shelter air food and more!

Why do animals need trees?

It Provided thm with shelter , Oxygen , Food.

What in the rainforest helps a human to live there?

Trees because of the oxygen and shelter and food

Which biome provides organisms with food and shelter with leafy trees?

tropical rain forest

Why are trees helpful to woodpeckers?

Trees provide food, shelter and a nest site for Woodpeckers.