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Q: Does massage have any contraindication to germ cell tumor in chest?
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What is Tumor cell?

What is a spindle cell tumor in the stomach?

In the story Brians Song what kind of cancer did Brian have?

Brian Piccolo was diagnosed with embryonal cell carcinoma as mediastinal teratoma (embryonal cell carcinoma being the type of cancer, found as a large tumor in his chest cavity.)

What is spindle cell tumor?

What is a spindle cell tumor in the stomach?

How are tumor cl different from normal cell?

Mitosis is not regulated in Tumor Cells -> Apexvs

What is the first step that leads to development of a tumor?

a mutation occurs in a cell then a tumor forms

Why is it unlikely for a cell that spends a large amount of time in G0 phase to be a tumor cell?

It is unlikely for a cell in the G0 Phase to become a tumor cell, because cells do not divide in the G0 Phase.

Regulatory proteins that serve to prevent a cell from entering the S phase?

The regulatory proteins that serve to prevent a cell from entering the S phase are called tumor suppressors. Tumor suppressors protect the cell that has DNA damage and stop it from moving to the next phase.

How do you get ovarian cyst?

It can be genetic, as germ cell tumor.

What type of cell is a tumor?

A tumor just refers to an abnormal growth of cells that form a swollen growth. A tumor is not necessarily cancer. It may be benign or malignant.

What are oncogenes and how do they affect the cell cycle?

The region of the viral genome (DNA in DNA tumor-viruses or RNA in RNA-tumor viruses) that can cause a tumor is called an oncogene. This foreign gene can be carried into a cell by the virus and cause the host cell to take on new properties such as immortalization and anchorage-independent growth.

Which is a description of a fungating tumor?

Mushrooming pattern of growth as tumor cell pile on top of each other. medical terminology.

What can disrupt the cell cycle?

The growth of a cancerous tumor