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Yes, over time. The rock will wear away, and with enough time, mechanical weathering will wear the rock down to sand.

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Q: Does mechanical weathering change a rock size?
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What are two ways mechanical weathering change rocks?

Two forms of mechanical weathering are frost heaving and plant root wedging. All forms of mechanical weathering result in the breakage of rock into smaller size particles.

What type of weathering breaks down rocks without changing its chemical properties?

Physical (also referred to as mechanical) weathering does not cause a change in the chemistry of a rock, only a diminution of size.

What type of weathering occurs when only the size of the rock change?

physical weathering

Which typeof weathering would change the size of a rock but not its chemical composition?

Mechanical weathering, like wind, water, and other forms of erosion. Now, rain and some rivers contain diluted rocks and can change rocks.

What are two ways that mechanical weathering changes rocks?

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Can physical weathering make a rock bigger?

Physical weathering is mechanical action which typically erodes rock faces. This invariably results in a smaller rock. Chemical weathering involves water absorption or other reactions. Mechanical heating and freezing can crack and fissure the rock, slightly increasing its size. In general, physical weathering is an abrading process, whether via water born sediment wearing away the rock, or wind blown particles sand blasting the rock, and these actions make reduce the rock's size.

What are two ways rocks are mechanically weathered?

Two forms of mechanical weathering are frost heaving and plant root wedging. All forms of mechanical weathering result in the breakage of rock into smaller size particles.

Animal burrows dug in rock that let in water and air chemical or mechanical?

Plant growth is both a chemical and mechanical process. The roots secrete mild acids that dissolve minerals in rocks, and the plant's roots and stems can increase in size and force rocks apart inside cracks and crevices.

Compare and contrast mechanical weathering and chemical weathering?

Mechanical weathering provides fresh surfaces for attack by chemical processes, and chemical weathering weakens the rock so that it is more susceptible to mechanical weathering.

What kind of weathering is the breaking of rocks?

The naturally occurring breaking of rocks into smaller pieces is called physical (or mechanical) weathering. The other forms are biological and chemical weathering. All result in the diminution in size of the original rock.

What was the original source of the sand and other particles?

Sand is rock or coral that has been broken down by weathering or mechanical means to a fine grain size.

What always changes in a rock during physical weathering?

If I am correct I believe it is the size and shape. 1.Beacause it will break. 2.It will change its size.