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I would think it would have to otherwise you wouldn't be able to get venous return to the subclavian.

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Q: Does medial cubital vein contain valves?
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What is the vein commonly used for venipuncture?

The medial cubital or celphalic

Where is the median cubital vein located?

The median cubital vein is a superfical vein in the upper arm. It connects to other veins like the basilic and the cephalic vein and is a common vein used for drawing blood.

Which vein in the human body does not contain valves?

all veins contain valves

What connects the cephalic vein to the basilic vein?

the median cubital vein

Which vein used for taking blood samples?

There are three veins to choose from when drawing blood. The first choice is Median Cubital. Second is Cephalic vein and lastly the Basilic vein.

In the cubital fossa the median nerve runs with which vessel?

median cubital vein

Where are different IV sites?

Median Cubital Vein Cephalic vein BAsilic vein Dorsal venous network

What vein is intravenous injections most often given to?

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What superficial vein is on medial side of tibia?

The great saphenous vein is the superficial vein on the medial side of the tibia. It is the longest vein in the body.

WHAT veins is most subjected to veNIPUNCTURE?

the vein thats most subjected to venipuncture is located in the Antecubital fossa (the inner bend of the elbow) in the median antecubital vein(median cubital)

What is the name of the blood vessel which takes blood from the body?

Typically, it is drawn from the antecubital vein, in the arm. It can be drawn from other veins, as well, including dorsal veins in the hands and feet, and from ports inserted into larger veins, for instance.

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Basic vein, median cubital vein, cephalic artery