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all veins contain valves

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Q: Which vein in the human body does not contain valves?
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Related questions

What is the major vein in the human body called?

the major vein in the human body is called big blue

What is the longest vein in the human body?

The great saphenous vein is the longest vein in the body. It is a superficial vein located in the leg.

What is the largest oxygen rich vein in the human body?

Pulmonary vein.

Where is location of the biggest vein in the human body?

The Great Saphenous vein and it is in your leg.

Which is stronger artery vein or capillary?

Arteries are the strongest since it carries high pressured plasma away from the pumping heart. Veins carry blood from the body towards the heart; it has valves to ensures to only flow in one direction, towards the heart. There is only one vein in the body that does not contain valves, which is near the heart called the vena cava. Capillaries are connected from the veins to the body's cells, which is the weakest in strengh.

What is the largest vain?

the largest vein in the body is the vena cava

What is the function of valves in the human circulatory system?

The vein valves prevent blood from sinking down and settling into the legs, mainly due to gravity. A varicose vein is where the valve is failing and blood settles and shows up as a swollen vein on the surface of the leg.

Does medial cubital vein contain valves?

I would think it would have to otherwise you wouldn't be able to get venous return to the subclavian.

What is a varicose vein in hunman body?

A varicose vein is a distended vein where the valves are unable to close properly. This can lead to thromboses, which are blood clots and can make the veins hard, bumpy, and painful.

What kind of blood does the vein carried?

The vein carries your normal blood throughout the human body.

Do vein have valves?


What is the longest vein in the heart?

The longest vein in the human body would be the saphenous vein.