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It doesn make a difference if you are awake or not.

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Q: Does men's facial hair grow fastest when awake or sleeping?
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Does facial hair grow over night the most?

Yes facial hair grows the fastest in men.

Do naps make you taller?

Not really, though people grow faster when sleeping than awake.

Does sleep make you grow?

yes, when you are sleeping your body grows, this is what i have heard i am not a doctor, but i don't' see how someone can grow when they are awake and moving. i hope this was helpful.

Why does head hair grow faster?

Your hair mostly grows faster by you sleeping. By sleeping your body sleeps as well, which your hair can then grow. Your hair cannot grow when your awake, but your body mostly grows when your asleep. So that's all I can give you.

Do you grow when you are awake?

Yes,You do grow when you are awake.

Fastest way to grow facial hair?

One method which aids in improving facial hair growth is to begin shaving on a regular basis. The hair that grows back in will appear fuller when shaving is stopped. The easiest way to grow facial hair may be to just not shave and let it grow. This may not appear to be the fastest method, but facial hair grows in at differing thicknesses and different rates of speed for different men. With a little patience, some men may achieve results faster than others. A dietary supplement called biotin may aid those seeking to stimulate the growth of their beard.

What is the fastest thing to grow?

Mold is the fastest thing to grow.

What fruits grow the fastest?

Strawberry Cucurbit fruits grow fastest

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will l-arginine make you grow facial hair

What is the fastest way to grow hair?

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What can you get to make your facial grow?


What plants grow the fastest from a seed?

tomatoes,watermeon,sunflowers,daisys,peppers grow the fastest:)