

Fastest way to grow facial hair?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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One method which aids in improving facial hair growth is to begin shaving on a regular basis. The hair that grows back in will appear fuller when shaving is stopped. The easiest way to grow facial hair may be to just not shave and let it grow. This may not appear to be the fastest method, but facial hair grows in at differing thicknesses and different rates of speed for different men. With a little patience, some men may achieve results faster than others. A dietary supplement called biotin may aid those seeking to stimulate the growth of their beard.

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Q: Fastest way to grow facial hair?
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30 years old have no facial hair Is there a way to grow facial hair?

Hmmm...interesting question. In my opinion, I don't think you CAN grow facial hair if your body doesn't already. But why would you?? If it's for attracting the opposite sex, then not ALL women like facial hair....but with the way technology and science is advancing in this day-and-age, maybe. I would suggest you ask your doctor. You got problems.if u are thirty and no facial hair ever grown go to the could have a procedure where they insert facial hair into your pours and it will grow continuoesly but it cost alot of money.

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If you have facial hair you just let it grow trimming it to the shape you want. If you don't have the facial hair, there really is no way of making it grow.

What is the fastest way to grow your hair?

come your hair every nightand every week massage your scalp with warm olive oil

What can be the causes of ingrown facial hair?

Causes of ingrown facial hair can include having oily skin, which stops the hairs growing outwards and forcing them inward. Shaving the wrong away (against the grain) can also cause ingrown facial hair as it disrupts the shape of the hair follicle causing it to grow the other way.

Name something a teen boy does to make himself look older?

A teen boy may try to grow facial hair, style his hair in a more mature way, or dress in clothing that is typically associated with adulthood such as suits or button-down shirts.

Can I grow facial hair fast?

No, short of taking hormones with nasty side effects, there is no way to increase the rate of hair growth, aside from the brief increase that is caused by shaving.

Will tee tree shampoo make your hair grow faster?

Nope, better indian hair, or the most fastest way is hair extensions . If you interested i can give you a website for best ones.

How do you speed up your facial hair growth?

Honestly, no way.

What is the best and fastest way to use a hair dryer?

the fastest way is to turn the heat high on the fan

Is there any way that you can facilitate the growth of facial hair if you are 22 and do not have facial hair?

Facial and body hair is down mainly to your genetics. If you do not have facial hair yet at 22-years-old then there is still time. Facial and body hair comes with the onstart of puberty, but a beard can take a while to appear. It may start a bit here and there or look patchy in places when it begins but it is a sign that facial hair is beginning. Some races of people have genetics that gives very little facial and body hair and others much more.

Does shaving make facial hair grow if you have none?

No. Because if you have nothing to shave you wont grow nothing. But if you have little "whiskers" just chill a while and then work your way to start shaving. its just like pulling white hair. you pull one 3 grow back. so when you shave more hair will start to hit.