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Q: Does meningitis occur more frequently during a particular time of year?
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Auroras occur most frequently during the mostintense phase of the 11-year sunspot cycle.

Why unconsciousness occur in meningitis?

meningitis is the swelling of the brain and so when it hits the skull it makes you unconscious

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Tornado in the U.S. most frequently occur on the Great Plains.

When do tornadoes least often occur?

Tornadoes do not happen as frequently during winter or fall, with the lowest activity (at least in the U.S.) occurring in January and December. They mostly occur during the spring and summertime of April, May, and June.

Can people be allergic to a month?

No. You can be allergic to the pollens and emissions that occur during a particular month, but not the month itself.

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The client may be allergic to, or hypersensitive, to a particular aroma.

What time of year do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes can happen at any time of year but occur most frequently in spring an early summer.

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supercell tornados occur most frequently

What risks can occur after a mastoidectomy?

persistent ear discharge infections, including meningitis or brain abscesses hearing loss

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Rain does occur in deserts but not as frequently as in non-desert areas.

Does mitosis or meiosis occur more frequently in your body?

mitosis occurs more frequently then meiosis

What is meningitis and how can you get it?

It means an inflammation of the meninges. The meninges are the covering of the brain and spinal cord. They can swell and harm the cord and the brain. It is very serious. It can be caused by a bacteria or a virus.