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Q: Does menstruation change after removal of one ovary?
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How do you know if one ovary still releases eggs?

Menstruation is the best evidence that ovulation is occurring.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of an ovary?

The removal of one or both ovaries is called an oophorectomy or an oovariectomy.

What does oophorectomy means?

Oopherectomy is the removal of the ovary. Either unillateral (one) or bilateral (both)

Can you menstruate after hysterectomy?

No no uterus means no menstruation. If you retain even one ovary you may still get premenstrual pains etc.

What is a salpingo-oophorectomy?

salpingo = fallopian tube. ooperectomy = ovary. Therefore salpingo-oopherectomy is removal of one side (unilateral) or both (bilateral). If bilateral the you will go into immediate menopause if premenopausal

If a female has an ovary removed what changes would they experience?

The remaining ovary if in good order,will take care of the hormone needs. No need for hormone replacement therapy. Pregnancy can still occur.Since a female has a certain number of ova in the ovaries at birth, removal of one ovary will halve the number of eggs. Cessation of ovulation and "the change" may occur earlier.

Removal of one ovary from a human female would most likely?

make fertilization impossible

What happens if a doctor cannot save a girl's ovary?

If there is cancer in one ovary, doctors can do an oophorectomy, which is removal of an ovary. If both ovaries are affected, they may do a bilateral (both sides) oophorectomy. If fallopian tubes and uterus are also infected, they may do a total abdominal hysterectomy.

How many ova are released during menstruation?

Generally only one ovum per month. It is possible for each ovary to produce one or more at the same time, this is how fraternal twins are possible.

What triggers menstruation to occur?

Menstruation occurs usually every 28days. A woman releases an egg from one of her ovarys and it travels through the fallopian tubes and waits to be fertilised by the male sperm. If this doesnt occur the uterus sheds its lining, and that's how a woman/girl gets her "monthly period" (menstruation)i hope this was helpful.

What is a description of the process of menstruation?

once a month one egg cell matures in ovary of a woman each time an egg cell is maturing the lining of the uterus is thickening with blood vessels getting ready for the arrival of the sperm cell and when the egg cell is not fertilized the egg will die and it will come out as menstruation.

Is an egg from one ovary able to move to the other ovary?

Eggs only move from the ovaries to the uterus. They never move from one ovary to the other ovary.