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It *can,* but it won't always. It depends on the amount of the gas present, the presence of clouds, and so on.

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Q: Does methane gas make a planet look blue?
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What gases make up Neptune?

neptune's gases are ammonia and Methane.There are a couple others but these are only 2 of them!

What planet has clouds of water methane and ammonia make up the outer part of this planet atmosphere?

The answer is Jupiter.

Does methane gas make planets appear blue?


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Many Gases... Helium and Hydrogen make up most of the planet. I don't know about methane. This planet is the largest Gas Giant. I hope this helps.

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Well, from space, it is a blue planet because about 4/7 of the surface is ocean.

Why is Neptune red?

The methane gas in neptune's atmosphere absorbs the red light waves where as jupiter doesn't. Jupiter turns red from the light waves and neptune absorbs the waves and turns them into gases that turn the planet blue - green colour.

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Neptune's landscape looks like ice. Neptune is a large gas planet, if it has a surface, it will consist of liquid or frozen gases that make up most of it's mass. It could be perfectly smooth or it could be broken and rough, we have not probed to it's surface so we really do not know what it looks like.

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Neptune is classed as a gas giant, essentially neither a land or sea planet. Neptune's atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium along with traces of hydrocarbons and possibly nitrogen. The interior of Neptune (its core) is thought to be composed of ices (water and methane) and rock. *Neptune is classified as a gas giant, not a land or sea planet. Composed primarily of H, He, hydrocarbons, N, water and methane ice. Traces of hydrocarbons and N (nitrogen) are found dusted on Neptune. Hydrogen and helium make up Neptune, composing to work for its blue color. Copyright 2010*

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It is very simple to make a look on the game "Movie Star Planet". First, you will need to Movietown. Once you are there, click on "New Look". Finally, you will need to name your new look.

Can you make energy out of methane?

Yes. Methane is a combustible gas.

What will happen if you all recycle?

It will make a difference to the world and make our planet look beautiful.