

Does middle ages and medieval time just the same thing?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes. Just two different names for the same time. "Dark Ages" is also used for the same time frame.

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Q: Does middle ages and medieval time just the same thing?
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Are middle ages and medieval times the same?

The Middle Ages and medieval times are the same thing. The word medieval is defined as the adjectival form for Middle Ages, and comes from Latin words meaning middle ages. One thing to remember, however, is that while a given historian usually does not distinguish between the meanings of the two terms, historians disagree with each other about the dates of the period. So one historian might say the terms Middle Ages and medieval times both refer to the times from 476 to 1453, and another might say they both terms refer to the times from from 1066 to 1485. There is a link below to an article on the Middle Ages.

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Middle ages and medieval are the same, just different terms for the same time frame. Yes, the long bow was used.

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anonymous just means they didn't know who did it. Also "traditional".

Are middle ages and medieval times one and the same?

Yes exactly the same time. Just different name for the same time.

Which came first the Renaissance The Industrial Revolution or The Medieval Period?

The Middle Ages, or medieval period, was from 476 to 1453, and came first. The Renaissance began about 1350 and continued until just after 1600, and came after the Middle Ages. The Industrial Revolution took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, and was well after the Renaissance.

Why is the medieval times also called the middle ages?

Middle ages started in 410 AD with the fall of Rome and ended in the 1400's with the age of exploration. It was a 1,000 years of "darkness" and superstition. Run by the Church it taught people they were born in sin and would die in sin if they didn't follow the dictates of the church. It was a time of chaos and war, when government was gone, and when people were slaves to the Nobility. The dates given are approximate as there is no exact definition - and different dates are sometimes given for different countries. ~Jponbac Gunna

What was the day of the lord in the Medieval times?

For Christians during the middle ages the Lord's Day was Sunday, just as it is today. For Jews it was Saturday and for Muslims it was Friday, just as it is today.

How did Queens die in medieval times?

Just like everyone else, queens in the middle ages could die from:old agediseaseinjury / accidentmurder or assassinationexecution

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Roman art became medieval just as its name suggests, during the Middle Ages. This time roughly covered the late 1000's to the late 1600's.

What were some of the medieval cities?

Most of the major cities today were also created or lived in the middle ages. London, Paris, Dublin, Salisbury, Edinburgh are just some of the places.

Did they have any funerals in the middle ages?

well im not for sure about the middle ages but they did have some kind of burial thing in 1,000 BC ^ oh gee that really helped .... unless you where some one important then no they would just dispose of it

Why is the plauge not apparent today then the middle ages?

Because, in the middle ages bathing was thought to be a disgusting thing. During all that time that the plague was spreading around and killing people, it could have been cured by just soap and water.