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Q: Does miley like wearing diapers at night?
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Does Miley actually like wearing diapers?

Yes she does

Do girls like wearing diapers?


What if you like wearing diapers?

A surprising number of people are "into" wearing diapers. It's a harmless sexual interest -- enjoy yourself!

Why do girls like being in diapers?

Well, I wouldn't say ALL girls like being in diapers. Just like not ALL guys like football, or wearing their hair short. Mainly, it depends on the individual. If there's a girl that likes wearing diapers, she may need it for a medical reason, or she just may enjoy it sexually, which is called a diaper fetish.

Why was miley wearing pink in the Disney channel games?

cause she felt like it.

What is Miley Cyrus wearing tomarrow?

something I dont know

How do you handel your boyfriend wearing diapers?

change them thangs firlz! Be his MAMA! Act like his momma, sista

What should you do if you like to wear diapers?

Keep it private~it can't be much worse than the stuff others are wearing

Do child love diapers?

Babies don't seem to mind their diapers and most older children hate diapers. However, there are a few children that are okay with diapers and a rare few like or even love their diapers, these children are very hard to toilet train and may still want to keep wearing diapers despite being toilet trained.

Why do teens like wereing baby diapers?

because it gives us a feeling of security and it just feels good the wearing of baby diapers by teen girls is far more common than it is with teen boys.teen girls like wearing them to be cute and little girlish at times for holidays and special occasions.many teen girls wear baby diapers and plastic pants to bed at night to releive stress from school,friends,everyday life,etc.they also wear them to symbolize their purity and innocence when they are around boys.

What does Miley Cyrus like wearing?

Most of te time nothing, but if she HAS to wear things then as hot as it can get.

How do you get skin like Miley Cyrus?

wash your face every night