

Does moon change it shape

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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The Moon does not really change its shape. It just seems to change its shape, or go through phases, because we only see the parts of it that are lit up by the Sun. The portion of the Moon that we see depends on where the Moon is in its orbit around Earth. When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, the side facing us is dark. We call this a new moon. Gradually, as the Moon orbits Earth, more and more of the side facing us is lit up by sunlight. When the Moon reaches the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun is, the side of the Moon facing us is completely lit up by sunlight and we see a full moon. Then we see less and less of the Moon until it becomes a new moon again. The time that it takes for the Moon to change from one new moon to the next new moon is about 29.5 days.

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The moon supposedly "changes shape" all the time, as the moon is constantly orbiting the Earth however the moon doesn't actually change shape, it is the amount of the sunlit side of the Earth that we see changing.

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While the Moon does indeed turn (i rotates once on its axis in exactly the same time as it takes it to orbit the Earth), this rotation does NOT change the shape of the Moon.

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yes the moon shape is changes during any of the pases?

Why does the moon appear to change in shape?

the moon appears to be the shape that it is because of how the sun reflex on it from other side of the world

What causes the moon Moon to seem to change shape?

The moon looks like it changes shape because as it orbits the Earth and we only see one side of the moon, sunlight hits the part of the moon that we see at different angles - therefore making the moon "change shape". We also can only see the sunlit side of the moon from Earth and that is also another factor to the moon's apparent shape.