

Does moon has its own orbit?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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The moon does has its own orbit around this planet, believe it or not. The moon does have its own gravitational pull strong enough so it won't go crashing into the Earth , yet not that strong to break out of Earth's gravitational reach to the moon.

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No. The moon is not a planet; it is a moon. If it had its own orbit around the sun it would be considered a terrestrial planet.

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When a moon's orbit is backwards, it is referred to as a retrograde orbit.

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It happens because the Moon's orbit is tilted relative to the Earth's orbit, so at Full Moon the Moon actually passes above or below the point where it is exactly in line with the Sun and Earth. For an eclipse to happen the Moon has to be in a special part of its orbit where its own orbit crosses the plane of the Earth's orbit. The point where it crosses over is a node, and it passes an ascending node and a descending node every time it goes round.