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Q: Does more salt in water cause more rust on steel?
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Will stainless steel rust in a pool?

Stainless Steel and PoolsEventually, yes, stainless steel will rust if left in a pool. *Yes - bleach will cause stainless steel to rust and chlorine is found in pools. Ergo, pool water will cause rust on stainless steel items.

Does vegetable oil cause rust?

Vegetable oil does not cause rust. It is slightly acidic, its similar to a lubricant and it can prevent rust.

What makes steel rust more water or oxygen?


What happens when you put steel into water?

Well when you put steel in water, the water will make the steel more softened, and then the rust starts forming cause the water dissolves the steel atoms then you have a red rusted steel metals.

Does water with high iron content cause stainless steel fittings to rust?

Good quality stainless steel should never rust. I have noticed that the high iron content in our water causes red particles of iron oxide to remain on stainless steel vessels - and it looks exactly like rust but its just the iron in the water drying out on the stainless steel.

What could cause stainless steel to rust?

Low quality Steel.

Will steel rust in water?

Yes it will

When does steel rod hollow section rust?

Hollow section steel rod rust when in contact with water.

Why do automobliles rust more easily in wet climates that drier climates?

Water is one of the main ingredients to make steel/iron rust.

What will rust a nail the fastest?

tap water will rust it faster. tap water lets more oxygen get to the nail and should cause it to rust in a few hours after being put in the water

Why don't we use water in hydraulic systems instead of hydraulic oil?

Water can cause steel components to rust. Oil is much less corrosive.

What will Pepsi do to steel wool?

Depends on whether you leave the steel wool in the Pepsi. If you take it out, the water in the Pepsi will cause the steel wool to rust away. If you leave it in, the phosphoric acid will slowly dissolve the steel wool.