

Does mount Saint Helen's have any casualties?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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When Mount Sait Helens Errupted on May 18, 1980, 57 people died as a result. The major causes of death were the initial blast, ash fall, and asphyxiation.

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Q: Does mount Saint Helen's have any casualties?
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ya japan :)

In which state can you find Mount Saint Helens?

Mount St. Helens is located in the state of Washington in the United States.

Has there ever been any type of life living on Mount Saint Helens?

Yes. Forests grew on portions of the slopes of Mount St. Helens but were wiped out by the 1980 eruption. Some life has returned to the lower slopes.

Were is mount st Helens located?

Mount St. Helens is located in the state of Washington in the United States. It is part of the Cascade Range of mountains in the Pacific Northwest.

When is mount saint Helens going to explode next?

There is no way of knowing. The timing of volcanic eruptions cannot be predicted accurately, even when a volcano is getting ready to erupt. Currently Mount St Helens is not showing any signs of imminent activity.

Is Mt Saint Helens extinct?

No, Mount St. Helens is not extinct. It is considered an active volcano, with the last eruption occurring in 2008. The volcano continues to be monitored for any signs of potential activity.

What type of plate boundary caused Mount St Helens?

The cause of Mt. St. Helens' volcanism is due to the subduction melting of the Pacific Plate as it subducts under the North American Plate, located along a convergent plate boundary or fault. No, Mount Saint Helens is not on a hot spot, nor is it on a fault. Mount Saint Helens is part island arc volcanic chain (the Casade Mountaind) due to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the North American Craton. NOTE: The Farallon Plate is no longer here; it ceased to exist with the end of the Laramide Orogeny some 30 million years ago. The remnants of the Farallon Plate are the Juan de Fuca Plate of British Columbia and northwestern Washington State, and the Cocos Plate of southwestern Mexico. Neither of these microplates has any effect on Mount Saint Helens, which is in southwestern Washington. I found this answer on

Is there any connection between mount saint helens earthquake and the loma prieta earthquake?

Both Mount Saint Helens and the San Andreas Fault (source of the Loma Prieta Earthquake) sit on the Pacific Ring of Fire, but there really is little connection between the two. They both sit on the North American Plate, but San Andreas is a transform boundary with the Pacific Plate (meaning the plates move by each other), while Mount Saint Helens sits on a convergent boundary, where the Juan de Fuca plate is subducting beneath the N. American plate. A connection between the events is unlikely.

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How any people got killed in the mount st helens volcano?

57 :)

What is the name of a volcano that erupted?

Any volcano? Mount St. Helens is one.

Which French emperor died at Mount Saint Helen?

Is it possible you have mixed up a mountain - Mt St Helens with the island in the South Atlantic known as Saint Helena where the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled and ultimately died on the 5th of May 1821.