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Q: Does my drum have a pitch?
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What produces the lowest pitch a Congo drum or bass drum?

the bass drum produces the lowest pitch

Is there any relationship between size and pitch of a snare drum?

If the drum is larger, most likely that the pitch is lower.

What type of pitch does a bass drum produce?

No, the bass drum is not pitched because it does not play the melody to a song it only plays the beat .

Is a drum high pitch or low pitch?

A snare drum sound like a hit on the roof or the hit on your wall.

How does area affect a drum pitch?

The area in which you drum will not change the pitch but change the way in which you hear the drum. The sound may last longer or less, it may be loud or quiet.

Which one of the instruments has the highest pitch snare drum or the timpani?

snare drum

Which type of drum has adjustable pitch?

The timpani or sometimes called kettle drum.

How can we change the pitch loudness of drums?

Pitch is changed by tensioning the drum skin. Loudness is changed by striking the drum with more force.

What type of pitch does a snare drum have?

A snare drum can be tuned to any pitch. Most orchestral percussionists tune their snare to either an A or B Flat.

What would a drummer to make the sound of a drum give a note of lower pitch?

It depends largely on how it is tuned. A large drum will generally produce a lower sound, but this is because they are usually tuned to produce that pitch because smaller drum heads do not have enough surface area to create that low a pitch without becoming floppy. Likewise, a large drum head such as a floor tom can produce a higher pitch, but not as high as a very small drum like a piccolo snare.

How do you change the sound of a bass drum?

You can tune a bass drum by turning.the knobs to the right to tighten or left to loosen on the rim of the drum. Loosen it for a lower pitch, tighten for higher pitch.

What happens when you strike a drum pad?

It will make a noise. The pitch will depend on the type of drum.